re-discovering the world, loving life, asking questions that people don't know that answers to, lip gloss, pickles, sparklers, people watching, bold jewlery, VOLLEYBALL, star-gazing, soaking in sun, sleding, blue pens, a good pair of jeans, knit socks, sunsets, clear nail polish, GARLIC, sirius radio, LAUGHING VERY LOUD TO THE POINT WHERE PEOPLE STARE, catching little things that make me laugh that others miss, house (the TV show), little mermaid, post it notes, planing road trips, making to do lists, singing like a rock star in my car, wearing sunglasses, BURPING, warm PJ bottoms, mary kay eyeliner, opening my eyes to ordinary things, fireworks, flowers, MY DOG EDDIE!!!!, blowing bubbles, falling asleep in someones arms!!!, LUFA'S, taking pictures ... that is good for now.
anyone and everyone ........ everyone is happy when you talk to them with a monitor and miles upon miles between you. but seriously it's the truth.
all different types depending on my mood. i'm a big fan of SIRIUS radio!
office space,all the lifetime movies that i get sucked into watching when i'm just fliping thru the channels and stop for like 30 seconds and i'm hooked, little mermaid, pretty woman, any psychological thrillers that play head games with you, breakfast club, when harry met sally, the movie about how peoples lives are effected by others and you effect their actions without even knowing it or them really (don't remember the name but great movie... wait i looked it up it is CRASH go and see this!!!!!!!!!!) backdraft, vanilla sky, the usual suspects, monia lisa smile, sweet home alabama, pirates of the caribbean (gotta love johny), charlie and the choc factory the old one was better in my mind.
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i don't have heroes i just believe in myself !