Suppose you had an idea that would make life better for the entire human family like a cure for cancer. How about a zero emissions automobile or perhaps a national achievement program for children? How about a full scholarship fund? Finance would be a concern for any of these undertakings. What if money was no longer the issue? What new set of challenges arise?
Sometimes finance poses such a big challenge the real issues before us never get the attention they deserve. We are changing that.
It began with a family ritual. Sunday is family day. I work in the music industry which is a 24/7 – 365 kind of gig. I would frequently travel, and spend long hours in the studio recording. After much consideration I proudly declared Sunday as family day both to my colleagues, and family. On Sundays I make myself available to my family, and we turn off the tv, radio, and video games unless it’s educational programming. We challenge each other… read, debate, and many other fulfilling activities.
One Sunday we found ourselves watching the horrible tragedies of Hurricane Katrina. Something that hit close to home as we had lost almost all of our personal possessions including the family car, toys, books, and our entire wardrobes. All of us were moved… the kids; especially Nia, wanted to do something. Over and over the topic arose. What could we do to address this, and other issues that plagued the human family? Nia came up with what we all agreed would be doable… Plus it was a great idea! We would sell chocolate… donating a portion of our profits to fund different initiatives, charities or causes.
That was the beginning of Nia’s Delights!
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