Mountain Biking
Snowboarding...cuz it rocks
Dave Matthews Band concerts
Red Bull...I love it...a lot
Titus...I ride a Titus...and love it too
American Apparel T-Shirts
Talk Radio...Rush is RIGHT!
Outdoor Gear...I am a sucker for new gear
Running...but trail running is way FUNNER
Digital Photography
Macs amazing
SW...aka The "Flying Tomato"
Dave is my fave...without a doubt. Other than that I can listen to most anything. I like it all!
Yes...I do love movies. If I could name my favorite I would, but I cannot. There are just way to many. It would get ridiculous.
Seinfeld reruns.
The Bible
Wild at Heart by John Eldridge (every man should read this)
My personal hero is Jesus Christ. He died for me and that is awesome!