...rock this shit straight back to Anaheim...
I'm Erika.
I'm 19 but I don't always act like it.
I talk a lot and I love to make people laugh. There's always a song stuck in my head. I only eat the red and purple Skittles. I stay up late. I say the best things when I'm in my best friend's car. I can relate anything to a movie I've seen, The Nanny, or Lady Gaga.
P.S. I'm on
Facebook , Twitter and Tumblr more than Myspace.
That's Tony Kanal. He's the bassist from No Doubt and he signed my purse. My life is almost complete. :)
"All those times you yell and scream at me, deep down you want to hug me...All those times you fired me, deep down you want to kiss me." ♥♥♥
"If the rug gets pulled out from under you, it's probably because you're ready for hardwood floors."sunshine