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The Library

About Me

Hello.....Welcome to The Cosy Library, a place for writers, poets and lovers of books to relax and talk books!

The printed quarterly FANTASY MAGAZINE has become a web-exclusive title. It will have daily updates with fiction added on a Monday, reviews on Tuesday, non-fiction on Wednesday, news and contests on Thursday and interactive features on Friday. There will be an annual anthology of the best of the website which will be published by Prime

The FELLOWS' POETRY PRIZE, organised by the English Association at the University of Leicester, requires poems of up to 30 lines. The winner will be published in The English Association Newsletter and on their website. Prizes are £500, £300, £200. Entry fee is £10 for the first poem and £5 thereafter. Closing date is December 31st. Details: The English Association; Email: [email protected].

1947 the Librarian

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