dancing, traveling, meeting friends, reading, watching movies with friends and when I am in the mood for it all by myself, water-skiing (although it has been a while), any kind of Aerobics, cooking
Bruce Willis :)
Salma Hayek
Antonio Banderas
my grandma I never met, because she died before I was born
The Gilmore Girls, I just love to watch two women talking faster and more than I do and I am that bad already that I give people a headache at times ;)
Depends on my mood... I love just almost anything....
As long as it is not a War Movie or a really really dumb show, I'll watch it. :)
CSI type of shows, Sex and the City, Friends - but I have little time to watch TV so there aren't too many shows I watch regularly
I read too many to have a favorite one and age changes the things you like.
I have none. But there are many people I respect.