One thing that I love to do is sleep... a woman can never get to much beauty rest. Unless.. I cant sleep because I am thinking.. kinda like now!!
I love to talk. I will talk about anything and everything.. sometimes about nothing.
Umm Young Intelligent Black Men (IBM), its nothing better than to see young Black men doing their thing the right way, thats what its all about.
I love to read.. I've already said what my fav book is.
Oh I am missing a big one.. ELITE PETITE.. you will read more about it in a month or so.. Girls be on the look out I think you are going to like this!
Pharmacy... this is what I want to do! I love the idea of being a doctor with out having to phyically touch my patients.Oh there is lots more...
My ultimate goal is to meet God and those who I am destined to come across.
I love Christian music.. It doesnt matter what kind, whether it be gospel or contemporary as long as Christ is lifted and glorified. What else can I add, I play the flute.
MY Favorite movie of all times is "The Little Princess" I cried my eyes out over that movie.. The next "Something the Lord Made".. I love movies that make you think!! And both of the dirty dancing movies.. They make me want to learn Latin Dance!!!!!
Man Oh Man.. I have too many so I wont even say! So instead LOOk at some Pics!!!
My favorite book in the whole universe is Tiger Eyes. It was the first chapter book that I ever read. To this day I still love it!
My heroes are two of the most important women in my life. My mother and grandma. If it wasnt for them and their guidence I wouldn't be the young woman that I am today. Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,