The Love Life you ask?... Well, I'd like to meet/find my Prince-Charming.... but I think he got lost, fell off his white horse somewhere/concussion, and didn't ask for directions! Ha!Ha!! I'm sure he's out there somewhere... ~wink!~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~Well I Hope Anyway~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::Someone who doesn't fuck me over::::likes to bite and be bitten::::loves me for me::::enjoys my goofiness::::likes to be goofy::::has a sense of humor::::is real::::likes to chill::::likes to cuddle::::likes to make out::::makes me laugh::::let's me cry::::gives me hugs::::kisses my cheek::::has goals::::makes an effort::::makes me feel special::::sends tingles down my spine::::makes me giddy::::I can be myself around::::likes music::::keeps me smiling::::I can keep smiling:: if u are any of these things, be my friend!I want to be held. Love isn't sex. I want someone that wants to be with me. Love isn't A obligation. I want someone that loves me for me faults and all and i do have a few but, dont everyone?. Love does not require change. I want someone that will stick up for me. Love is devoted. I want someone that will always be with me and only me. Love is loyal. I want someone who will tell me how they feel and will never lie. Love is honest. I want someone that will point out my flaws so that they can help me fix them. Love is blunt. I want someone that will let me point out there's so I can help fix them. Love is tollerant. even when i open my mouth to big and man sometimes i dont know when to shut up lol:::I want someone that will allow for mistakescause everyone makes them . Love is forgiving. I want someone to be there for me when I am sad. Love is a shoulder to cry on. I want someone to share the good times and the bad. Love is happy. I want someone who will help me find anything. Love is a mystery. I want someone who will tell me they love me, even if they don't know my reaction.