Aviation, aviation, aviation. Self certified expert in the A-12/M-21/YF-12/SR-71 Blackbirds, F-16 Viper, and F-5 Freedom Fighter/Tiger II. Most people don't know right away, but I'm a hockey fanatic. I have this page too entrenched with my other interests to show it though. I am a long time LA Kings fan, and have supported the sport for many years. I was a goaltender in my younger days. And since I am a Kings fan, by definition I can't be a Ducks fan. But I am a Teemu Selanne fan, and he has returned for another year! But he wears a Stanley Cup ring this time.
Pierre Sprey, Franklin Spinney, Ray Leopold, Tom Christie, Col. Mike Wyly, Everett Raspberry, Everest Riccioni, Ron Catton, Mike Durant, Bob Mason , Mr. Gust Avrakotos (or would have, he died in 2005), Sen. Charlie WIlson, and Foamy the Squirrel
The 80's is back and popular, but for me, it never left! A vast majority of my music is from that decade, from which I am hopelessly entrenched in. But it doesn't end there, you'll find me listening to a classical rock song, and the newest electronica bit in as the next song on my winamp, or my iPod. Pay attention to my page songs, they change constantly. I pick them according to what I'm listening to at the moment, or to convey a certain mood. And you all know how moods and music work...well those that intertwine with music anyway.
The Star Wars genre is my religion. Guy Rithchie is a genuis, 'Also I think kinves are a good idea, big FUCKOFF shiny ones!" , Tarantino movies, all of them, though Reservoir Dogs is his all-time best. The Final Countdown, Top Gun, Iron Eagle (duh!) Black Hawk Down, Jarhead, Flyboys, and an all-time favorite Real Genius! If you don't find humor in that movie, damn your black heart! Speaking of which, a very obscure, unknown song that has stuck with me forever, in a great montage in the movie:
Whatever I have my DVR set to record on the Military Channel. CSI, Survivor, Two And A Half Men. Anything technical or military related on History, Discovery, etc.. That's about the only thing I could say I watch religiously. Anything else is pretty much rubbish.
BOYD: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed The Art Of War. This is my bible, and it tells the story of somone who ACTUALLY lived. A myriad of aircraft books. You name it, I'll read it.
My parents, Col. John R. Boyd USAF, Clarence "Kelly" Johnson, Pierre Sprey, Helio Gracie