I would like to meat aliens, Jesus, Elvis, Che Guevara, 2pac, Bob Marley, Bruce Lee, Chuk Norris, Kim Sung Il, Mohatma Ghandi, Haile Selasie, John Lennon, Cesar and Caligula, Einstein, Jimmy Hendrix, Marilyn Monroe, Simon and Garfunkel, sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Jenna Jameson, Larry Flint, Arthur C. Clarke, Bob the bulider, Speedy Gonzalez, Nostradamus, Aristotle, Socrates, Alexander the Great, Allah, Sitting Bull, Buddha, Freddy and Jason, Darth Vader, God and Satan in the same room at the same time, Barry White, Freddy Mercury, the Ramones, Sid Vicious, Jay Leno, Steve Jobs, Easter Bunny, Oscar, Shrek, Counter terrorists and terrorists in the same room at the same time, Brianna Banks and Tawny Roberts in the same room at the same time with or without clothes, Bono Wox, Hillary Duff's grave, Barney's grave, Scooby Doo but not Shaggy, he pisses me off, the missing link, my wife, Pele...i some pitchka (picka)