Booooom Headshot profile picture

Booooom Headshot

I am here for Friends

About Me

Me live in a small coutree call Croatia. Croatia is in Europe, a very small country. We don't have nukes. We hve very strict communism regime over there. So strikt that all houses are red and all streets are called like our dictator mr. Usko Dugousko. I live in Usko Dugousko no 5 street. We have sea. Our see is red because of communism and all fishes are in the sape of a sickle and a hammer.Me play guitar in a band. Me know only one song to play and that is Happy birthday dear Dictator. Last year goverment confiscated my guitar because me was playing rock and not our dictators songs. So i came to ameriKa. I play marko guitar all day without worry about get killed.Me got engaged couple of year ago but my fiance was big and hairry like one of those grizzlie bears u amerkans have. So'' hunter'', me shot her with 200 rounds by accident. Me cry all night and drink, but i drink every night anyway. Me like Jack Daniel, he is so hot.Me like orange juice, in my country we can only drink tomatoe juice because it is red, and Coca cola, because it has red label.Bay, Bay
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meat aliens, Jesus, Elvis, Che Guevara, 2pac, Bob Marley, Bruce Lee, Chuk Norris, Kim Sung Il, Mohatma Ghandi, Haile Selasie, John Lennon, Cesar and Caligula, Einstein, Jimmy Hendrix, Marilyn Monroe, Simon and Garfunkel, sigmund Freud, Karl Marx, Jenna Jameson, Larry Flint, Arthur C. Clarke, Bob the bulider, Speedy Gonzalez, Nostradamus, Aristotle, Socrates, Alexander the Great, Allah, Sitting Bull, Buddha, Freddy and Jason, Darth Vader, God and Satan in the same room at the same time, Barry White, Freddy Mercury, the Ramones, Sid Vicious, Jay Leno, Steve Jobs, Easter Bunny, Oscar, Shrek, Counter terrorists and terrorists in the same room at the same time, Brianna Banks and Tawny Roberts in the same room at the same time with or without clothes, Bono Wox, Hillary Duff's grave, Barney's grave, Scooby Doo but not Shaggy, he pisses me off, the missing link, my wife, Pele...i some pitchka (picka)

My Blog

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