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I am here for Networking

About Me

*** We are closing due to an inability to communicate effectively amongst ourselves in addition to a lack of turnout the past few months. Please, come out to shows this month to give us inspiration to TRY AGAIN! (after a few months of re-grouping/organization)***
The Monolith is an all ages, drug-free, d.i.y. artspace started by a a group of bloodthirsty, I mean, honest, werewolves, who have been involved with the Tulsa taxidermy/music scene for many years. Our mission statement is simple: It consists of the three fundamental E'S...
1.) Entertain - for a better use of your free time.
2.} Enlighten - for a better understanding.
3.] Evoke - for a better sense of the magic within you.
4.] Enrich - for a better today.
5.] Excel - for a better future.
6.] Excommunicate - for a better tomorrow.
5.] Elevate - for a better view.
6.] Environmental Efficiency - for a better profit.
7.] Elves - for a better guild.
8.] Effort - for a better feeling of accomplishment.
9.] Empower - for a better betterment.
Now that you know what we're all about, please feel free to donate any money, time, and any children you may have just lying around, cluttering up your nice clean house.ModMySpace Profile Customizer

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Bands, artists, acts, and any other form of performance art. We are looking for good people who have something they want to get out there. We're open to ANY kind of show. Just message us if interested.

Hello folks! Part of what we do here at The Monolith is support bands that we love. We want to hear these people play in Tulsa even if we're the only ones at their shows!
Please please PLEASE take a second and check out their myspace accounts and have a little listen of your own. Hope to see you soon!
-The Monolith

My Blog

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