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I was a premature baby, but I think that i turned out ok. I am 5'9" with hazel/green eyes, and I am light skinned.
Your Stripper Name is: Peaches

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MySpace Survey '06
BaSiC InFo
Name: Antonio
Birthdate: April 13, 1987
Birthplace: Cincinnati
Current Location: My bed
Eye Color: Hazel/ Green
Hair Color: Black
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 205
What's Your....
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Ethnicity: Black American
Body Type: Sexy
Favorite Food: Anything I can fit in my mouth
Favorite Drink: Liquids
Baseball Team: No thanks
(when) Bedtime: I dont normally look at the clock before I go to sleep
Favorite Color(s): Blue
Favorite Letter: If you mean postal letter then I would have to say the one from my cousin. If you mean letter of the alphabet then I dont really prefer one over the other
Favorite Number: 13
Candy: No im trying to loose thanks though
Favorite Animal: Martell Shavers
Favorite Messenger: Gabriel, or was he a disciple?
Screename: Tiemyshoe15(its asian)
Favorite Store: Fuck i dont know
Most Missed Memory: Hmmmm what the fuck if I miss the memory then i no longer have it correct? So, how would I miss something that is not there? What the fuck kind of question is that?
Best Physical Feature: Calfs
Overused Phrase: PSSSTSS
First Thought Waking Up: Why am i wearing a dress?
Goal for this year: To have a goal for this year. O yeah and loose weight
Weakness: White women
Heritage: the loan company?
Longest Relationship: 10 ft 3 inches
School's Name: Which one?
Favorite TV Show: Smallville
Have You Ever....
Drank: only when i smoke
Smoked: only when i drink
Dyed Your Hair: nope
Shoplifted: well this one time.... ok, ok yeh these couple of times
Tried To Do The Splits: hell no i heard they had AIDS
Tried To Do A Backbend: no
Tried To Do A Cartwheel: One time but i didnt have any lube
Tried To Do A Handstand: yes
Tried To Act Perfect: no
Get A Detention Of Any Kind From Not Doin Anything: im black so im always doing something to get in trouble dugh
Skinny Dipped: no
Had Sex: yes
Kissed/Huged An Opposite Sex: not recently
Kissed/Huged The Same Sex As You: which one cause see this one time i man hugged a guy, but i have never kissed a guy that is just gay. Is it too late to call no homo?
Been Dumped: sort of in a way
Done Drugs: yes
Had A Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yes
Ate Sushi: hell no that shit is sick but i do eat pussy if that counts
Loved Someone: yes
In A Guy/Gurl....
Fav Eye Color: My Girl
Fav Hair Color: My Girl
Short or Long Hair: My Girl
Height: My Girl
Weight: My Girl
Looks Or Personality: My Girl
Love or Money: Money last longer lol no but really money ok ok love
Hot Or Cute: Fuckin sexy, wait are we talking about me?
Drugs and/or Alcohol: Yeah she can drink
Muscular or Really Skinny: Really muscular
Sexy or Shmexy---- lmao!: what the hell? lol
Random...: Poop
How Do You Want To Die?: I dont but if i had to here is how. I want to die old and warm in my bed like that bitch Rose from Titanic
What country do you want to Visit: Cananda
Been to the Mall Lately: yeh
Do you like Thunderstorms: no
Shower Daily: im in college so however u take that
Do you Sing: in the shower
Want to go to College: im in college and i dont want to go
Clothes: yes i am wearing them
Shoes: no dont have ne one
Make-Up: Dont wear that shit does blush count/
Hair Do: I dont really know whats in for this year
Phone: Im on the phone with Pooh Bear while she sleeps
Phone Number: 555- why the hell would i put my number on face book. And please dont call after 9
Location: bed
Weather: great
Website(s): myspace
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My Interests

I like to run, jump, and skip. I like to sit outside when there is a slight breeze. I love long walks on the beach. Ok, no, but really i like just to be loved. If you visit my page please leave me some love. I love to receive mail, and if you have fb look me up on there and send me a friend request. I love my family, and l am very interested in school. I have to keep my grades right. I love to cuddle, and again I love to receive mail. I like meeting new people. I love making people happy, and I have been known to make many a people happy in my day. It is just who I am. I am very friendly, and I am a lover. I dont do the whole fighting thing, unless I am fighting for someone I love or deeply care about. Lets see what else interest me? I am interested in one day being known for the smiles that I put on the faces of others. I want people to hear my name and say I know him he lived a good life, he is a fine example of what a man should be. I am interested in the way that others feel, and I hate to see someone sad. Im interested in making money, but not in a greedy way, but in a way that I will never be broke. In closing I am a very frinedly person, and if you want to talk im me at Tiemyshoe15, or call me. My nimber is listed on my facebook. I would put it on here but everyone can see my number, and i dont want some 90 year old man calling me asking me if I would like to touch him. I do not get down like that. I love you all. O yeah and Smile.

I'd like to meet:

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The Notebook, Love and Basketball, anything with Denzel, Life, Wedding Crashes, omg the list continues. Basically any silly movie or sensitive movie out there i will watch. I have yet to turn down a movie.


.. width="425" height="350" .... Smallville need i say more


I do like to read on occasion, and when i do read it is mostly like Science Fiction, or just plain Fiction. The world is so boring why not read about cool and exciting things? I dont really read but I do like to go out with my friends. Oh the times that we have.


To start off one of my heroes would have to be the guy who invinted Little Debbies. Who knew that someone could get such a treat for a quarter. His treats range from the littiest of Debbies to the biggest of Honey Buns. This person is really my hero, w/o this person lunch would not have been as enjoyable as it was for me in high school.