Taurin profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hello, I am Taurin,so, what is there to say about me? Well i am a 24yr old with the most amazing WIFE in the world! (that's right, i just got married) I currently work at a church doing video editing and i am in the process of learning and growing in my skills. the title that Jessica coined for me was "Video Production Artist" which is very fitting considering that I do more than just videos, I do graphics and 3D work also. So, let's see what else, well I love music and movies, I love playing video games, especially with jessica. (I got her hooked on halo 3) Umm, in closing, I love God and i am not ashamed to say it.

If you want to know anything more about me feel free to ask. My AIM SN is TaurinH24. IM me if ya want, i am always looking to make new friends.
In closing, Love Jesus, Love people! Peace!

My Interests

Music, movies, reading, writing poetry,video games, playing guitar. oh, and i lOOOVE Soccer! There are many more things i am interested in, i just don't really feel like typing anymore of them, if you really want to know, you can Just ask. Great converstions starter!

I'd like to meet:

Life verse(s) 1 Corinthians 9:25-27"25Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 26Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. 27No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize."


So much music that i love, i dont really feel like listing all of it, from classical to hard rock, i love it all! I dont really listen to rap or country.Bands:Thrice, U2, DMB, Plain White T's, Rise against, Fall out Boy, all american rejects, bullet for m yvalentine, Red Jump suit apparatus, Underoath, The almost, ColdPlay, John Mayer, Jason Mraz, Matt Wertz, B.B. King, Eric Clapton, Acceptance, Copeland, Foo FIghters, Journey, Boston, THe Killers, Lifehouse,Lovedrug, Matchbox, Sting and the police, Linkin Park, Norah Jones, Frank Sinatra, Josh Groban, Nat king cole, Ella Fitzgerald, Miles Davis, Goo Goo Dolls, 10th Ave, Thrice, Underoath, The Used, As Cities Burn, Finch, Hoobastank, Emery, Bayside, Blindside, Fallout Boy, Me without you, Skillet, subseven, spoken, Disturbed, Metallica, a lot of hardcore/metal most Techno, I love Soundtracks, since i do production for a living i am always looking for and listening to new soundtracks! if you have any suggestions let me know! Hans Zimmer, and Danny elfman rock! i love so much music and i am always looking for new music, if you have any suggestions please let me know!!


Movies, oh tooooooooo many, i am a movie buff, i collect them. everything from Brave heart and Black Hawk Down, to Phantom of the opera, and you've got mail. Alright, i will have to admit, i am a sucker for a good chick flick. I own serendipity, sleepless in seattle, and You've Got Mail. Love action movies, Batman Begins, Gladiator, Braveheart, Underworld, Saving Private Ryan. I also like a good drama: A Beautiful Mind, Schindler's List, road to perdition, Ray!, stuff like that. And i love Comedies: Dumb and Dumber, need i say more? If it is a new movie, i have more than likely seen it. if you need any info on a movie, feel free to ask. i am Like IMDB and critic sites all rolled into one!some of my recent favorites that i have seen are: transformers hot fuzz man...havent seen many lately, i will update this soon!TV: CSI, My Name is Earl, the Office, Scrubs, Heroes...thats about itoh, and ANIME!, i am addicted, Jessica got me hooked on it. I love the art and the concepts behind it, some include... Bleach, Trigun, blood+, naruto, samurai Champloo, Death note, Kenshin, claymore, Full metal alchemist, hellsing, X...on and on... i am always looking for new anime so if you know of any, let me know! MUST WATCH


TV: CSI, My Name is Earl, the Office, Scrubs, Heroes...thats about itoh, and ANIME!, i am addicted, Jessica got me hooked on it. I love the art and the concepts behind it, some include... Bleach, Trigun, blood+, naruto, samurai Champloo, Death note, Kenshin, claymore, Full metal alchemist, hellsing, X...on and on... i am always looking for new anime so if you know of any, let me know!


well, lets see, The Bible! i am currently reading Soul Cravings by Erwin McManus about to finish it, then chasing daylight, may go back and re-read some old books too, trying to get into fiction/fantasy more, but its hard i would rather watch a movie than read a book, lol.


the show?

My Blog


so, i have new blogs and sites, added a Flickr, Wordpress,good times, good times.http://taurinh24.wordpress.comhttp://www.flickr.com/ph otos/taurinh/
Posted by Taurin on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 01:43:00 PST

just a thought...

You know I feel that a lot of us complain about our churches, that the pastor doesn’t speak to us, and I don’t mean that he doesn’t say hello, but that his sermons don’t have a...
Posted by Taurin on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 06:23:00 PST

My thoughts a couple weeks ago

So, I was on my home the other day and I have found a new way to make sure that I get my daily devotional time in, I put sermons on my iPod or on a CD and with the wonderful technology of MP3s I can ...
Posted by Taurin on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 06:23:00 PST


so, i came to a revelation today, a big one, for a while, i had kinda slipped from the whole church and God thing, i know, i know, how in the world is that possible when i WORK at a church. well simpl...
Posted by Taurin on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 10:55:00 PST


hmm...what is a blog...strange word, i SHALL NOT call them blogs anymore, from here on out i will refer to them as...chunks-o-brain... no no, chunks-o-life? hmm... well i will start calling them somet...
Posted by Taurin on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 12:50:00 PST

The Engagement story!!!!!!

so, by popular request, i am writing the Engagement story, the story of young love between a man and a woman named Taurin and Jessica.So, there is this place on palm beach island by the big tree at ro...
Posted by Taurin on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 01:41:00 PST

The dash...

SO, today i was reading Erwin McManus' book, Soul Cravings. In it he talked about something that was really interesting called the dash. Chip Anderson says how on tombstones we see a start date and an...
Posted by Taurin on Sun, 27 May 2007 05:56:00 PST

new Christians

SO, on my last blog my friend Chris (whom i miss dearly) posted a comment about his friend who has not been christian long. Why is is that we always enter into the christian walk and think that it wil...
Posted by Taurin on Tue, 22 May 2007 07:35:00 PST

What? new blog! Yeah, its true

so, i am getting back into writing and art and all, really trying to refocus and get back to the things i love and trying to get back to where i used to be, just better. Jessica and i have done a lot ...
Posted by Taurin on Mon, 21 May 2007 03:03:00 PST


new blog coming soon! i have been doing alot of reading so i have a lot of stuff floating aroung in my head! tonight i plan on writing something new!
Posted by Taurin on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 11:16:00 PST