Horror Pictures at satanspace.comI am a poet, a musician and a vocalist. I have the drive of an artist, my mind spins wheels to go to my creativity. I am also a vegetarian. Can't stand that way that humans torture animals when it is the humans who deserve the same treatment. Poor defenseless animals!!! And yes, even the most brutal of us can love little animals. Wow, I think I found a heart that can beat in my chest all of a sudden...lol...No, but seriously, man is just another animal. Most of the time though, man is worse than any animal. Man just thinks he is better, which is not the case. When man is the one who has a free will about him, yet he murders and slaughters the weak, those who cannot fend for themselves, those who have thier face already in the dirt. There is no one worse than one who abuses their significant other, a kid, or an animal. For those who do need to be smashed and face the full wraith of Satan or his followers.Plain and simply....HAIL SATAN!!! Free Satanic layouts at SatanSpace.com
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Expression is a free man's right to be alive,