care ah --
A dance involving little to no clothing
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at
hey im a sphm at west fo.
i like all 90's music.
music makes me happiest the most.
i like reading.
the beach is a great place.
so are the mountians.
i would like to snowboard more often.
i love wearing boys hoddies.
blankets are the best item in the world.
average is still good enough for most.
im an optimistic .. haha most of the time.
coffee.. not chocolate makes everything better.
ive always wanted a puppie sence well b-fore birth probably.
winning is always good .. but losing makes you stronger.
i want to learn how to play the guitar good.
i like to mow grass and wash cars .. is that wired?
funny boys are the best.
sunshine puts a smile on my face, but so does snow.
music notes are a cool design.
i want to look at the stars ... all nite long.
i love airplanes& i wanna fly them.
photography makes me happy :-).
is it just me or does every guy you know seem to know the pool ball colors in order from 1-16.
i love wearing shorts.
falling asleep at 9:00pm is a sign.
not haveing a license yet is gay.
lead singers arent always the hottest.
Jackass will always be hilarious.
i will dance until i die.
I love old cars .. there amazing and gorgeous.
i miss steve irwin.
it takes alot to get me to cry ... but i can fake it in a heartbeat.
irony is lovely.
everyone calls me a smartass .. haha i love being a smartass.
i like speaking simple Spanish.
my eyes change color and one time i had a fish that did the same.
trampolines are fun .. and yet dangerous.
sprinklers are good showers if tured upside down.
shampoo doesnt always smell good.
sodie pop isn’t all its cracked up to be.
breakfast to early in the morning makes me have a tummy ache.
do cell phones really cause cancer?
one time i made up my own rap .. copyrighted.i like saying "silly goose" and "goober" and "booger".
i make up my own words to screamo music .. or atleast i try to make it sound like that’s what there saying.
big ears aren’t always ugly .... on monkeys.
Canadian accents aren’t as simple as adding aye to the end of everything you say.
you will always get what you want at Alice’s restaurant.
spartacus is by far the best action figure. and me and colleen made him.
i will always kill for some dockside.
sweet tea will always be superb.
You know when ur in the frigerator sections in the grocery store .. and there warm places and freezing places .. I don’t like that .. not one bit.
The dewy decimal system is a lie... decimals are in math … they’ve got nothing to do with books.
why do people hold cds so delicately .. like there atom bombs .. Really what’s gonna happen .. a scratch .. WOW OH NO a little scratch.
no you are not an idiot if you say your not gonna break the camera and then while getting a hole in one at put-put jump up and down and the strap breaks and the camera hits a fake plastic rock and busts open.
When you use a walkie-talkie do you just get the urge to say 10-4 … I do :D.
Why are talking vegetables amusing to young children? … a talking food would scare the shit outta me if I was that age.
We still all use the word cool … but what exactly does the word cool mean… not hot… Well don’t you want to be hot? Like Paris says
Why are we amused by bobble heads ... its an inanimate object that moves when you touch it…? How Fun!
Stories start with once up-on a time .. I want a story to start with once down-in a time
Who defined what matching was?
Why do all parents have a box of stuff u cant see ... but when u are allowed to see it .. its just papers of no importance to you .. at all
What happens to that 1% of germs still left on you after you use hand sanitizer
Window-pickle racing is entertaining to more people than you think
Everyone’s got their minds in the gutter and you know you do too
What does it say in the dictionary when you look up dictionary?
Is there a reason why we still use roman numerals… we’re not Romans
What do you call a wife beater when a girl wears it ... a husband beater?
Golfers say 4 .. for what reason .. I guess its just to long to say .. MOVE YOUR GONNA GET BATTERED BY MY BALL .. well hahaha I guess you wouldn’t want to say that any ways
Breakfast is so much better for dinner .. who else agrees?
Ah I was on a roll .. but I just hit writers block .. more later??
im me: kmill 0525 :or leave a comment!
gage 4.19.07