In GOD iS wHere I fInd tRue peAcE! 8) profile picture

In GOD iS wHere I fInd tRue peAcE! 8)


About Me

I love pretty much every thing,But whAt i LOve thE mOst IS mY beST fRieND!!! tHIs iS soMe oNE thaT haS bEen wiTh mE WHeN i Most neEded a shOulder to lEan on, Or relly, a shOulder to Soak wIth tears 8). He iS the oNe that sHowed Me thaT regardlESS oF whaT i waS goINg thrOugh, There wIll alWays bE hopE. He touGht mE hOW noT to giVE up anD thAt trHrougH paIN coMEs strEngth!!!! WheN i ThouGht THat i wAs unNoticeaBle, He always caMe alonG to shOwer mE wiTH HIs AWEsOMe lOVe! *) His lOves Is uNcomparabLE!!!! iS the tYpe oF loVe thAT once You havE it yoU kEEp oN coMIng bacK foR sOMe moRE. HIs lOve iS puRE and rEAL!!! soMEthiNg tHAT is sO hArD to fiND. He miGHT nOt bE theRE as SooN as I caLL HIm, BuT HE iS aLWAys oN timE! Well mY fRIend's namE iS JESUSCHRIST!!!! He iS sO beaUtiFul tO me. Once YOu mAke HiM yoUR friEnd, Life chAnges. LIfe haS jOY, pEacE, A whoLe loT of SmiLes, aND a buNdal oF puRE loVE!!!! sOMethiNg thAT yoU ArenT abLe to GEt elsE wHere. I hopE yOU get tO mEEt Him sOOn!!!! dONt eveR foRgeT thAt yOU haVE an awEsoMe frIend iN JEsUSCHRIst!!!! maY oUr LOrd IN heAVen bLEss yOU fULLY!!!!
Name: crIstaL
Birthday: apRl 11
Birthplace: caRson
Current Location: soUth ceNtraL
Eye Color: brOwn
Hair Color: im nOt suRe aT thIs moMent
Height: reAlly sHorT!
Right Handed or Left Handed: riGht
Your Heritage: mexIcaN
The Shoes You Wore Today: olD naVy fliPs
Your Weakness: fOOd
Your Fears: faIliNg GOD
Your Perfect Pizza: pePPeroNNi & chEEse!
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: haVe mY cD reaDY foR thE rAdIO
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: quE lA frEgadA!, haCk nO! aNd 8)
Thoughts First Waking Up: leAve mE aLONE!!!
Your Best Physical Feature: mY eyeS
Your Bedtime: 1 am
Your Most Missed Memory: chIld hOOd
Pepsi or Coke: frUit puNch!
MacDonalds or Burger King: kiNg TAco!!!
Single or Group Dates: whAteveR
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: sWeeT teA! raSberrY 8)
Chocolate or Vanilla: vaNilla
Cappuccino or Coffee: frAppUCCino!
Do you Smoke: haCk nO!
Do you Swear: nO!
Do you Sing: YES!!!
Do you Shower Daily: oK
Have you Been in Love: yEs, wIth JEsuScHriST!!! 8)
Do you want to go to College: yes
Do you want to get Married: maYbe, iM noT suRE yEt.
Do you belive in yourself: YES!
Do you get Motion Sickness: P M S! sUckS!
Do you think you are Attractive: soMetimEs.
Are you a Health Freak: noT reaLLy!
Do you get along with your Parents: yeS!
Do you like Thunderstorms: thEre oK
Do you play an Instrument: drUms aNd sOme keYboArd
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: NOpE!
In the past month have you Smoked: yuK! nO!
In the past month have you been on Drugs: asPirin
In the past month have you gone on a Date: i doNt thiNk iT waS a daTe.
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: gOsH! nO! wOw! i juSt reAlIZEd! i hAvnT
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: nO!
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: YEs!
In the past month have you been on Stage: yeS!
In the past month have you been Dumped: NO!
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: yuP! lol!! siKE nO! 8)
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: nO!
Ever been Drunk: 8?
Ever been called a Tease: nO!
Ever been Beaten up: mY daD a coUple oF timES!
Ever Shoplifted: 8?
How do you want to Die: aT 110 iN my beD wIth CHriST iN my HEARt!
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: sUper wOmaN! a prObation OffiCer aNd a pRo sinGEr fOr GOD.
What country would you most like to Visit: i Dont reaLLy kNow.
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: haZel
Favourite Hair Color: blAck
Short or Long Hair: dePendS
Height: taLL
Weight: a liTTle chUbbY oR noRmaL
Best Clothing Style: aNyThinG thAts sTylE
Number of Drugs I have taken: 18 lol!!! 3
Number of CDs I own: tO maNY
Number of Piercings: 2
Number of Tattoos: 16 lol! noNE
Number of things in my Past I Regret: noNe, i leArned fRom It. thE gOOd aNd thE baD!

My Interests

I am interested in getting to know every body I could, I don't like when people feel the need to claim to be some thing there not, the best person to be is your self. I am also into helping people, i'm in a ministry called J C P. It stands for Jovenes Con Poder. We get together on thursdays @ 7:30 pm. We work with all types of youngters, and its all done for the glory of our Lord Jesuschrist!!! Many people feel as if they are left alone in this solitarie world with no hope and no one to go to, but there is hope, my God sent His son to this world to give hope, love, joy, mercy, and most important, salvation to those who are in need of it. Once you receive the love that God offers, there would be no need for you to seek else where, where it won't be found. Accept Jesuschrist and your precious heart and witness His Glory in your life 8)
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I'd like to meet:


i lOve peoPle! 8)


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MOVIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THe PassIOn of The ChRIst and THe GOspeL, 51st Dates, finding nemo, and many more* *HEROES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!My only true hero would have to be Jesuschrist, just the fact that He gave His precious life for me when He didn't need to, is awesome.It doEsNt maTTer hOw raIny yoUr day was yEsterDay, tHe sun shInes oN youR winDow thiS morNIng teLLing yOU thEre is alwaYs hopE!!! 8)


Myspace For Girls Only -


My only true hero would have to be Jesuschrist, just the fact that He gave His precious life for me when He didn't need to, is awesome.

My Blog

stOP THE KiLLInG!!! abortion-MurDErer!

Baby Malachi, A History-- New York Lambs of ChristThis little baby boy was found frozen in a jar with three other little children at an abortion mill in Dallas, Texas, in February 1993. We were stunne...
Posted by In GOD iS wHere I fInd tRue peAcE! 8) on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 04:00:00 PST

Jesus is the one that keeps me Smiling all year lOng

_He does miracles every day, It does not have to be new years to forgive you and give you a new begining. _It doesnt need to be feb. the 14th to bring you flowers, he gives them to you everyday. ...
Posted by In GOD iS wHere I fInd tRue peAcE! 8) on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 04:57:00 PST

Why waLk awAy?

Why waLk awAy frOm aN awesOme blessIng tHAt yOu haVe bEEn waIting for? See oNly God hOlds whAt yoUr heaRt desIres, theRe is tOO mucH pain woNdering in yoUr heart tO ignore Gods oFFer. He is offe...
Posted by In GOD iS wHere I fInd tRue peAcE! 8) on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 02:16:00 PST

Would yOU?

If yOU haD thE curE foR thE pain in youR haert fOr frEE wiLL you take it? Well I did.Life is so different, those wh knew me in the past know the pain in the butt that i was. Accept the offer that God...
Posted by In GOD iS wHere I fInd tRue peAcE! 8) on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 02:26:00 PST

Who Am i?

Create your own Catcha10 Quiz...
Posted by In GOD iS wHere I fInd tRue peAcE! 8) on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 12:19:00 PST