I am interested in getting to know every body I could, I don't like when people feel the need to claim to be some thing there not, the best person to be is your self. I am also into helping people, i'm in a ministry called J C P. It stands for Jovenes Con Poder. We get together on thursdays @ 7:30 pm. We work with all types of youngters, and its all done for the glory of our Lord Jesuschrist!!! Many people feel as if they are left alone in this solitarie world with no hope and no one to go to, but there is hope, my God sent His son to this world to give hope, love, joy, mercy, and most important, salvation to those who are in need of it. Once you receive the love that God offers, there would be no need for you to seek else where, where it won't be found.
Accept Jesuschrist and your precious heart and witness His Glory in your life 8)
adopt your own virtual pet!
i lOve peoPle! 8)
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MOVIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THe PassIOn of The ChRIst and THe GOspeL, 51st Dates, finding nemo, and many more* *HEROES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!My only true hero would have to be Jesuschrist, just the fact that He gave His precious life for me when He didn't need to, is awesome.It doEsNt maTTer hOw raIny yoUr day was yEsterDay, tHe sun shInes oN youR winDow thiS morNIng teLLing yOU thEre is alwaYs hopE!!! 8)
Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com
My only true hero would have to be Jesuschrist, just the fact that He gave His precious life for me when He didn't need to, is awesome.