find emma /// contacto 645619554 profile picture

find emma /// contacto 645619554

About Me

sesion de fotos en el concierto en el ambigu del gran teatro a cargo de ARMANDO MENDEZ RUBIO Gracias armando!

find emma

Este grupo nace del encuentro de tres músicos de larga trayectoria artistica y tras el paso por diversas formaciones en el campo del pop, rock, jazz, folk irlandés o tango.

Emma Peters , cantante del grupo, violinista desde la infancia y compositora, después de vivir toda su vida en Londres y tocar con músicos de la talla de Dave Sutherland o Jason McNiff, decide cambiar su lugar de residencia y establecerse en Valencia de Alcántara (Cáceres).

Fernanda Valdés , acordeonista, perteneciente a varios grupos, como Tango Tres, Montenegro, Ser Pessoas, Pandemoldium y Odúo, de una exquisita sensibilidad interpretativa, amante del folklore internacional, se une a este proyecto aportando conjuntamente con Tony Siendones, todos los arreglos musicales.

Tony Siendones , guitarrista de formaciones tan reconocidas como Superstición, Demonios de Tasmania, Sarava, Odúo o Tango Tres, une la experiencia y conocimientos de su dilatada carrera musical al grupo.

Emma aporta sus composiciones. Su deliciosa voz y la magia de la música sucede con la fusión de estos tres intérpretes que con mucho corazón nos transportan a otros lugares.

find emma , consiguen un espectáculo de folk muy particular que no deja a nadie indiferente.PARA CONTACTAR CON FIND EMMA TFNOS:+34645619554/+34625101583 e mail:[email protected]}

findemma grew out of the meeting of three musicians from a wide and eclectic musical background (pop. Rock, jazz, country, folk, tango and traditional celtic music.Emma Peters Emma is the singer and fiddle player in the band. She’s been playing the fiddle since she was a child and after living in London for a long time, playing in various groups and as accompaniment to singer songwriters Dave Sutherland and Jason McNiff, she decided to relocate to Valencia de Alcanatara, Caceres, Spain. She brings her compositions (tines and songs), her delicious voice and her individual, soulful and intuitive style of fiddle playing. Fernanda Valdes Fernanda is the accordionist in findemma and also plays with Tango Tres and Oduo . She has played with a variety of bands in spain – Montenegro, Ser Pessoas and Pandemoldium. She has the ability to interpret music with an exqusuite sensitivity, resulting in her beautiful playing. She is a lover of international folklore and traditional music. Together with Tony Siendones, she is responsible for the musical arrangements of songs and tunes in findemma.Tony Siendones Tony is the guitarist in findemma and brings a wide musical experience to the band. He has played with Supersticion, Demonios de Tasmania , Sarava and El grito de munch; and continues to play with Tango Tres,oduo and El chicoTogether with Fernanda, he is responsible for the musical arrangements of songs and tunes in findemma.Something magical happens when these three musicians come together and the distinctive folk experience that is findemma will not fail to move you.PARA CONTACTAR CON FIND EMMA TFNOS:+34645619554/+34625101583 e mail:[email protected]}

My Interests


Member Since: 11/12/2007
Band Members: El diseño de nuestro logo es creación del dibujante PEDRO CAMELLO

emma peters: voz & violín

fernanda valdés: acordeón

tony siendones: guitarra

find emma.cáceres .irish fleadh 07 " five prayers" find emma.cáceres .irish fleadh 07 " dentro de la aulaga"HOMENAJE A JOSE DE ESPRONCEDA.PROGRAMA LA ISLA DE VIERNES. COLABORA FINDEMMAfind emma.cáceres .irish fleadh 07 " walz from sharon shannon,and music from a find harmonium"entrevista wacai a find emmafind emma.cáceres .irish fleadh 08,LA CUEVA DEL LOBO
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Major

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