Anyone who is kind...(Vonnegut:"'ve got to be kind!")I would like to meet other women of my approximate age (58)and have conversations about how we meet our challenges.
I have a beautiful son, daughter-in-law, and three grandchildren, two of which are close enough to hug. One of my grandsons is autistic, so I am interested in meeting people who have experience with autistic spectrum disorder. I also have a darling little daughter who is 26 and suffers from cerebral palsy, seizure disorder, severe developmental delay, cortical blindess, etc.I would like to meet other parents of handicapped children.
I would like to meet other artists and poets.
I would like to meet nurses, as I have begun a course of studies that should lead me to an RN. I did well in Biology, Microbiology, and the first Anatomy & Physiology. I am just finishing Anatomy & Physiology II.
I also have a BA in Liberal Arts and a BS in Computer Information Science. UPDATE (Miscellaneous Good Things Came My Way): My professors nominated me for "Biology Student of the Year"--and I got the award--amazing! I was so worried about the NLN (nursing school entrance exam), but I scored 153 which is the top 1% for all students--Phew!and Hooray for my own silly self--I will start the 2 year nursing program in the spring. Yes! I was selected for the nursing program! Only a few more hurdles...Must pass physical and acquire health insurance. Deserves a spirited Happy Dance ala Snoopy! Currently doing eldercare as my own version of an entrance into bedside manners and my attempt to learn how to offer tenderness and real comfort to my fellows and to educate and exercise my heart in the complexities of this sometimes beautiful/sometimes boneheaded humanity we share--I do so want to be a very good nurse.
I want to believe in "magic realists"--people who find magic in lucidity...
I would like to meet other artists who are trying to do business over the internet. Please see my website:
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There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity.---Johann Wolfgang von Goethe