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About Me

Free Your Mind!
** Ron Paul 2008 **

My Name is Chad and I am the Creator & Author of:
>Passive Daily Income<
Discover How A Washed Up Bartender from Chicago, Who Struggled for Years Trying to Make Money with MLM and Network Marketing, Went From Working Long Nights and Weekends to Living the Life of Luxury!
Greetings Friend!
On my journey to Success, I found it to be extremely lonely at times as there were not many like-minded individuals who had similar visions or objectives as myself. Most of my friends growing up were going to college, studying to get a degree to go to work for Corporate America; all while I was dabbling in the home based business arena during the day and working in restaurants at night to keep food on the table. I was and still am the Black Sheep of the family, going down the road less traveled pursuing my dreams and desires. Heck, is wasn't even too long ago that I was delivering pizzas and working a landscaping job to make ends meet!
Please allow me to tell you a little bit more about myself:
I'm a Chicago Native of 30 years. I'm a firm believer in Multiple Streams of Income, I'm Pro World Peace, I'm an Advocate of True Freedom, I'm a Firm Believer in the First Amendment and the whole Constitution for that matter. I've been studying the events of 9-1-1 since it occured and from my studies I now know that most (if not all) Governments are Corrupt. These same studies have also led me to a disturbing fact, that 9-1-1 was an In-side Job. When you research the facts like I have, there is no doubt the U.S. Government was behind the attacks. As hard as that may be to fathom for many people, it is the truth. History has repeated, just like Nero burned Rome & blamed his enemies and as Hitler burned the Reichstag & blamed his enemies. With 9-1-1, it was Bush and his Cronies who are responsible and they blamed a guy in a cave who is a documented CIA asset! Do a search on 'Operation Northwoods' and you'll read about a very similar event that was about to occur during the days of JFK.
9-1-1 is a typical Problem, Reaction, Solution scenario. They (the Gov't) cause the problem, watch the reaction of the people and then offer a solution. The 'problem' is that the so-called terrorists are going to get us and their 'solution' is to take away our rights to 'protect' us from these so-called terrorists. This had led me to be HUGE advocate of personal rights & privacy and to keep Big Brother out of my life at all costs. To put a little perspective to the subject, think about the john Mayer song, "I want to run down the halls of my High School, I want to scream at the top of my lungs, I just found out there's no such thing as the real world, it's a LIE you have to rise above."
More about me... I eat Organic whenever possible and I love Riding my Sportbike. I bought my first Sportbike back in '98 and since then, taking my bike to the racetrack for 'track days' has become a real passion of mine. I love the Outdoors, I've lost tens-of-thousands of dollars over the past 15 years, been bankrupt, I don't use Credit Cards and I don't believe in going into debt, I stay very active, I keep in Shape and consistently feed my mind positive visions & affirmations. Today I'm proud to say that I have abundance flowing thru me on a consistent daily basis, .
Quantum Physics Says:
We are all Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience, there is no Death... only Transition and Creation. Our Soul Purpose here on Planet Earth is to Experience the Manifestation of our Thoughts... so be careful what you think about!
I'm absolutely humbled to be a full-time Entrepreneur, working from home and making money on the Internet.
And all I do is use free websites like MySpace, YouTube, and many other Web 2.0 platforms to promote my businesses, Get FREE Leads, and Drive Massive Traffic to my Websites without having to spend a single dime on advertising! Free Leads and Traffic
You'll read below how you can get 12 free training videos that walk you through step-by-step on how I'm getting tons of *FREE* exposure for my business using all these new Web 2.0 websites...
With that said... thanks for stopping by to check out my MySpace profile!
It's funny because I really don't have a single clue how you got to this page.
Maybe you came here from my Blog - Chad Hershey's Blog -, from one of my Websites - - maybe a friend referred you, maybe I requested to be your friend or perhaps you found me on the search engines when you were searching for info on how drive massive traffic to your website.
Or, maybe you just happen to 'accidentally' stumble across this page by the sheer...
- Law of Attraction -
The good news is... no matter how you found me, what you are about to discover on this page could literally change your life forever.
Why do I say that?
The bottom line is that like attracts like. You're here right now because some how, some way, we are on the same wavelength.
If you are ready to begin attracting the ideals you truly desire, like prosperity, success, security, and self confidence AND you're ready learn how to make some serious money online, then you've come to the right place!
Who in the World is this Magnificent Chad Guy Anyways?
First of all, I work in my PJ's all day long and make anywhere from $300 to $3k almost EVERY DAY!
But it always hasn't been this way...
You see, for the past 15 years I've been chasing success and it has somewhat eluded me. I spent years upon years slaving away, working program after program and spending my nights waiting tables & bartending only to be caught in this vicious circle year after year. Sure, I've had some 'really good' years in terms of making money, but it hasn't been consistent, and trust me when I say that I've had more 'so so' years then 'really good' years! It wasn't until recently when I changed my mindset and started getting serious about online marketing that it all started to come together.
Maybe like you, I've tried every trick in the book and have spent THOU$ANDS of dollars on advertising... CHASING LEADS!! It wasn't until I cracked the code with this FREE Leads and Traffic system that it all started to come together for me. If you're reading this right now you owe it to yourself to get the facts about this program.
Because it is so satisfying when someone who has been struggling for years, someone who has gone thru exactly what you've been thru, finally succeeds and you know you have played a role in their success.
If you are sick and tired of wasting money chasing leads, then you've come to the right spot. We have developed an incredible community (family) of like-minded individuals and we consider ourselves to be Mentors, Business Associates and Friends; all who Help & Inspire Each Other to Success.
What this means to you is that you have my word that you won't get left behind.
I created this MySpace profile because I want to meet, network, and give back to the online newbies and other entrepreneurs who are in the same situation like I was… struggling year after year with more money going out then coming in. Hopefully my story can help inspire you to discover a better alternative, just like I found when I started learning from my mentors, working full-time from home, being my own boss, and making money online.
Multiple Streams of Income
For about 15 years now I've been on a dedicated quest to seek out the knowledge of the wealthy and super achievers to learn and digest their guarded secrets. Why? So that I could apply those same secrets in my own life and share them with people like you; other entrepreneurs who have similar aspirations. Let me tell you, 15 years of consistent study is finally paying off!
If you're driven, I would like to show you how to set yourself up quite handsomely, financially, in the next 3-5 years - Hands free- doing what I'm doing... Working Multiple Streams of Passive Income with FREE Leads to Boot! This is another program I use to drive massive traffic to my sites: Massive Traffic Secrets Revealed!
The difference from what I do and what you may be used to is:
No Cold Calling; No Recruiting; No Selling; No Buying Leads and NO Spending More Money on Your Business than you are Making! Attract Success for Once, STOP CHASING IT!
> FREE Leads and Traffic System <
Chances are you've been looking to connect with the right team to achieve the success and the lifestyle you've been dreaming about for you and your family. That's what I was looking for, and it was that inner drive that sent me on a personal journey to attract this FREE Leads and Traffic System. You see, I work Multiple Home Based Opportunities and have been chasing leads getting nowhere fast. Now, I attract FREE Leads to me and it's all done WITHOUT any Personal Recruiting, Sponsoring, Enrolling, or "Cold Calling!"
I Look Forward to Working With You & Assisting You in Manifestng Your Fortune.
Peace and Love to All!
Joseph Campbell Says:
Follow Your Bliss. What he actually said was... "You begin to meet people who are in the field of your bliss and they open the doors for you. I say Follow Your Bliss and don't be afraid and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be."
- Check Out My Programs -
** Please ask me about a few 'High Yield' programs you can use to build your financial future with! - ** Click Here **

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

First, I'd Like to Meet Bright, Friendly, Positive, Ambitious People.
Secondly, Highly-Motivated Men and Women with an entrepreneurial spirit who truely enjoy the challenge of raising their vibration.
I want to be in close relationship with Big Thinkers and Big Dreamers who apply 'action' backed by 'emotion' to experience results. I would like to work with those who understand the power of networks, team building and unified focus.
If you're a pioneer, a shaker and a take-no-prisoners action-maker who enjoys a challenge... I give you two thumbs up.
Check out this quick video:

The ideal person I'd really like to meet and work with is someone who's already had some level of success in the past.
If you're at a point in your life or your career where you're ready for a helping hand take your business to the next level... let me show you how I've been able to work from home and make money online using the latest trends in Web 2.0!
I can help you with the Insider Strategies that almost an entire industry has not figured out yet... the Social networking and video sharing trends of 2007 that drives BILLIONS of hits to a handful of sites, and there is no chance of it slowing down! I am now teaching these strategies and want to show how to Capitalize on the Billion dollar trends of Video and Social Networking Industry.
I have 12 free training videos that you can watch that shows you step-by-step how I use websites like MySpace, YouTube, and all sorts of other Web 2.0 websites to get a ton of free leads, and massive traffic for my business... without having to spend a single dime on advertising!
I’m not looking to connect with just anyone as I understand the value of time, both mine and yours. I’ve been down the lonely path of giving handouts and am only willing to work with people who already have had some success in life and desire a hand up, NOT a hand out.
I'm looking to network with people who already have personal development in-tact, know what it takes to create a sale, have drive & desire and are already self motivated... if this is you then you're the kind of person I would like to meet.

I'll leave you with this: Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you.
As is yours, my time is valuable and I am very selective with whom I talk to. If you have a Bad Attitude, are a Skeptic, Complainer, Negative, or just looking to Get Rich Quick, DO NOT CONTACT ME!
I don't have time for BROKE MINDED PEOPLE!
With that said, Allow us to Make it Happen Together! Contact Me Thru MySpace.
Some Words of Wisdom
An error doesn't become a mistake until you choose to ignore it. A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is... Age is a question of mind over matter... if you don't mind, it doesn't matter. All the so-called "secrets of success" will not work unless you do.
As you think, you travel, as you love, you attract. You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you. Better to understand little than to misunderstand a lot. Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today.
I have learned silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, truth from the liar, moronic from the morons, kindness from the unkind, grace from the ungrateful, love from the... who mistreated me.

My Blog

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