Michael Egleton profile picture

Michael Egleton

About Me

My name is Michael A. Egleton. I was raised in a small northeastern Ohio town near the major cities of Akron and Cleveland. For many years Barberton was known as "The Match Capital of the World." Time and circumstances has changed this status. In the past this small town has produced many great people such as, Bo Shembeckler, the great coach of the Michigan Wolverines, basketball great, Alvin Robertson, football great, Dr. William Taylor and many more. Barberton became known as "The Small Town That Could." I spent the first thirteen years of my life there in "Magic City", as it was knicknamed being raised by my grandparents. My grandfather, a firery gospel preacher and church pastor, who himself played honkie tonk piano in the speakeasies and back rooms of Chicago in the 1930s and 40s before being called into the ministry and my grandmother who worked tirelessly by his side. It wasn’t uncommon to hear him speak of such names as, Cab Callaway, Dizzie Gallespie, Count Bassie or Art Tatum while reminiscing about times gone by. Then comes his grandson, desiring to follow in his footsteps of music.Inspired by the same drive that many Barbertonians, or "Magics", as they are called, possess. I’ve began my musical journey. From playing Grit cerial boxes as a four year old, to guitar and trumpet as a seven year old to organ and piano as a tenager up until now. Self taught, you can hear the struggle in some of my selections to the excitement of overcoming in other pieces.My objective is to make people smile, dance and relive a happier time while yet telling a story of love through music in slower sets. My dream is not to immulate greats such as George Duke, Stevie Wonder or even Kenny G. or Michael McDonald, but to establish Michael A. Egleton, a sound thats unique, different and fresh while at the same time, familiar to the ears and enjoyed.This music has a touch of R&B with a sprinkling of Jazz and an undercurrent of Gospel seemlessly all rolled up into one. "Baby Baby Baby" Is the title song of this project. It's expresing to her, how much he loves and need her in his life, while, " This Time" expresses the need not to make a mistake again. But to do it differently. Relief is the word one may feel when they can finally announces that "I’ve Found Someone". These songs are hopefully not like anything you’ve ever heard, they're written mainly from the heart of this man after living and seeing so many emotions from different ones in love. So as you listen to these offerings, try to put your on situation in your mind and apply what ever may fit to your life and hopefully a posative outcome is one the way. Thank you once again for your support of my music and I and until next time, "Let's Take a Ride"!

My Interests


Member Since: 12/11/2007
Band Website: [email protected]
Band Members: All Music can be purchased at, Amazon, emusic, Itunes,Napster, Rhapsody or you can go to [email protected], [email protected] or even her at [email protected] A special thanks also goes out to my friend and brother, Fred Hicklen Love you Boyeeee !
Influences: My Influnces has come fron many areas of music . From Jazz to R&B to Gospel and even country! Roy Clark was a guitar playing fool! He would do things with with guitar, Banjo, almost anything that had strings and work it. Jazz has many technitions! I love to listen to Art Tatum, Dizzie Galespie, Jimmy Smith, Kenny G., George Duke,. Then there is R&B with it's stars such as The Fiunkadelics, Dazz Band, Ohio Players, being from Ohio I am a little partial to Ohio bands. Gospel greats such as Kenton Rogers, Michael Ross, Clark Sister,, Shirley Ceasar, Elder John Black of California, my friend, and more. So you see with it being so much that I listen to, I'm happy to preview a few of the cuts from my new CD which will be available real soon!
Sounds Like: Who do I sound like? It's hard to say. It's said that who you play with the most is who's style you addapt so I would have to say I sound like Fred Hicklen, the friend and brother that I play with the most.

Record Label: Looking to sign
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

New Music From Michae Egleton

Posted by on Wed, 13 May 2009 12:20:00 GMT


.r{}table, tr, td {border:0px;background-color:transparent;}.profileInfo, .contactTable, .extendedNetwork, table.userProfileURL, .interestsAndDetails, .userProfileDetail, .userProfileSchool, .userProf...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Feb 2009 11:10:00 GMT

New Cd, Baby Baby Baby

Hello Everyone, My new CD, Baby Baby Baby, is now out! It can be heard at many different sites on the net like, MichaelEgelton@Iseecolor, [email protected], MichaelEgleton@ReverbNation, where...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 12:41:00 GMT


Happy Holidays to all and to all a great night!
Posted by on Tue, 09 Dec 2008 10:34:00 GMT

New Music

Hey everyone the project will  be available in the upcoming weeks. There were a few production delays, it wouldn't be right if that didn't happen! lol I've put a few long play songs on from this ...
Posted by on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 06:26:00 GMT

New Artist

Hello everyone I'm Michael Egleton and I want to invite you to take a journey with me in song. I have a new project out and on my site I have a few of the songs for your listening enjoyment. So stop b...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 08:04:00 GMT


  Dominik Pietraszko     (2007-08-31 15:29:09)   Thank you for your coment. Your music is beautiful too ! Greetings:) d.p.  Michael Ross Music   ...
Posted by on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 15:27:00 GMT