Kevin "k one nyne" Roberts was born on january 21,1992 in mil-town wisconsin. He lived in the slums of his city till he moved to a smaller city outside of the mil-town waukesha. shortly after he moved to Texas where he left shortly and moved to brooklyn park MN. From there he moved to vegas where he now resides.Rappin:
one nyne began freestyling to him self around the 5th grade. he freestyled by himself all the time. He began to get better but never rapped in front of anyone. in the summer of of the 7th grade he wrote his first song and began to freestyle in cyphers with classmates. he began to hone his wrtiting skills and read more to improve his word play. during his 8th and 9th grade year he began to focus on his flow and develop his on style. He had 2 come up wit a name so he became k one nyne. the k stands for kain one stands for him being 1 and the nyne is being close to perfection.Now:
k one nyne hooked up with the ceo of sinner city records pay per view, and launched his own label tru g.a.m.e ent. He writes and freestyles everyday to keep his skils sharp. HE has produced 3 mixtapes that were local successes. he stives for perfection so he continues to make music that people can relate to. he is now working on his fourth installment in his mixtape series mob mentallity...
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