♥ CRYSTAL ♥ profile picture


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hI tHeRe PeOpLe mY NAmE iS CRYSTAL COSTA FoR ThOsE WhO DoNt kNO mE Im FrOm tRaCy CaLiFoRnIa bOrN aNd RaIsEd iN ThE 209 I lIvEd In BaNtA a LiL PaRt Of TrAcY i WeNt To ScHooL aT bAnTa ElEmEnTry ThEn TrAcY hIgH. So To AlL yOu PuRvS lEaVe Me tHe FuCk AlOnE AnD dOnT BotHeR LeAvEInG Me A MeSsAgE oR tRiNg To aDd Me CaZ ThAt WoNt HaPpEn!!! i LOVE mY mAn So NoThInG iS gOnNa GeT In ThE WaY Of ThAt ExPeCiAly NoT yOuaNd If I dOnT AcCePt YoUr InVAtAtIoN tHeN DoNt BoThEr 2 kEeP tRInG ItS NoT GoNnA hApPeN K.
You're the world to me-- there's no one quite like you. You're the one I love, the one I want to touch. I give you my heart, and I need you so much. Offer me your sweet caresses; fill me with your wonderful light; soothe my aching heart; and hold me through the night. The mere sound of your voice summons deep emotion within Like an old familiar song like the comfort of a friend. When you're near, I'm lost to thoughts of love as you touch me with a magic that's as grand as stars above. I want to hold your hand. I hunger for your kiss. Offer me sweet tidings of true love's tender bliss. I promise our love shall soar, carried on the wings of a dove. So give me your heart, and bless me with your love.


