Malcom McDonald is the first born of District Missionary Roshonda McDonald and Deacon Dennis L. McDonald. While in his mothers womb it was prophisied that Malcom would carry a great anointing, it was noticed as a little boy he would praise God at any moment, and this made him different from the other children, Malcom began singing when he was five when he sang his first solo, "Walk with Me Lord" the people were amazed at the power in his voice as a little child. Malcom recieved the gift of the Holyghost when he was six years old, and continued to sing under the power of God. As Malcom grew older he struggled with the idea of being different from other children. Which led him to seek other things. Malcom said," When I went out into the world I realized that God set me apart for a reason, I didnt sound like everyone else who sang, the lord gave me a unique sound." Malcom often tells his testimony to his peers, of how God delivered him and is continuing to make a difference in his life everyday. The Lord called malcom into the ministry and enhanced his gift by giving him the gift to preach the gospel. Malcom is now 18 years old, serves as the Adult Choir Director, Youth Choir President, Minister For Youth Dept., and a District Choir Director For Bay Point Community COGIC and the Pittsburg/Vallejo District. Malcom also serves as a Member of the California Northwest Jurisdiction Mass Choir, California Northwest Jurisdiction Purity Choir President, and also the Young Men Of Valor Coordinator for the California Northwest Jurisdicton Youth Dept.
Malcom also serves as An assistant to Evangelist Moneque Walker, and the National State Purity Choir. Malcom is at Alabama State University, where the Lord allowed him to start a group called the C.ircle O.f P.rayer where this circle ministers in Prayer, Mime, Liturgucal Praise, and Singing. When I returned back to the lord with the realization of my purpose, I made a Vow to the lord and I wont take it back. I believe it is important to preserve the sounds of the Church of God In Christ, even in todays ever changing times. The brought out on the songs of zion, and I will do all that i can to make sure that they are not forgotten.