Lead guitarist with hardrock band CASSIOPEIA .
Guitarist and bandleader with ISENGARD.
Guest guitarist with SOFTEIS/PURPLE.
Release of the "2008-Demo" in March 2008.Equipment:
2 Gibson Les Paul Standard, 1 Music Man Steve Morse Signature Y2D tobacco sunburst, 1 Ibanez RG 750 white, 1 Yamaha RGX 220 DZ MTU, 1 ENGL Fireball E 635 100 W, 1 Roland Cube 80X, 2 Marshall 4x12â€, 1 Marshall 2x12", 1 VOX Satchurator, 1 BOSS TU-2, 1 BOSS NS-2, 1 CryBaby Wah.
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