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About Me

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All songs and images - Copyright ©1980-2009 - KING LEWMAN / Lewmanated Music / LGM Enterprises, Inc. Publishing by Royal Wolf Music, Inc.

All new tunes are here since September 27, 2008!

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Visit iTunes and search KING LEWMAN or visit our FAMsite .
Kristan King and Lance Lewman lead their band, KING LEWMAN, with the release of their third CD, Going Somewhere . Music Monthly compared their first CD to The Beatles, and now those who have heard this latest CD, produced by Spencer Capier , say it is "without a doubt the best recording they've made to date!" Combining elements of acoustic pop, folk, blues, country and even some classical, KING LEWMAN has something for everyone. Listen as they "take it up a notch" and see what all the buzz is about!

The CD debut was held at the One World Coffeehouse in Columbia, MD on September 27, 2008.

"Words, baby! Words! Gotta love the words!" Huh?

We're told that using the term "versatile" has the connotation of being an amateur. Well, we'll avoid that word, for sure then, because KING LEWMAN is far from amateurish and far from being a "start-up". Perhaps we might be safe with "eclectic" and "adaptable" and "true to our musical visions".

"Writing about music is like tap dancing about sculpture!"

We are eclectic because of the broad range of musical styles we blend together and due to the rich breadth of influences we enjoy, whether they be musical, poetic, artistic, or literary.

We are adaptable because of necessity and geography and sensibility. We play acoustically, and we play electrically according to the concert setting. We play house parties, coffeehouses, concerts, festivals, fairs and the occasional special pub.

KING LEWMAN performs as a trio, a quartet, and a six piece full ensemble. That's a sextet. That word makes some people uneasy.

Truth? Words! Huh?

KING LEWMAN (trio) at One World Coffeehouse

KING LEWMAN appears on the Static Chain Best Bands of Baltimore 2007 CD sampler!

KING LEWMAN (trio) at One World Coffeehouse

KING LEWMAN live in Clarksville, MD
KING LEWMAN (trio) at Open Door Cafe

KING LEWMAN (trio) performs at the Baltimore Music Conference 2008. Location was an intimate setting at the Hour Haus.
Who Walks Away? from "Full Circle" CD
Poplar Street from "Going Somewhere"
Flying Colors from "Going Somewhere"

My Interests


Member Since: 12/11/2007
Band Website:
Band Members:

Kristan King- vocals & percussion

Lance Lewman- vocals, acoustic guitars & keyboards

Dan Junk- vocals, electric/acoustic guitars, mandolin, saxophone, flute & maybe a steel drum or two

Kim King- vocals and electric guitars

Courtenay Moon II- electric guitar
Stanley Hall- drums

Marv Egolf- vocals, acoustic/electric bass, keyboards & possibly a harmonica along the way
*Occasional Players
*Tepora- keyboards and vocals
+Auxiliary/Legacy Members

+Art Cobb- drums
+Michael Collins- drums
+Tony Hammer- drums

Management by
LGM Enterprises, Inc.
Contact [email protected]
for information about bookings, press and bidness.
Discover more:
Home Base - KING LEWMAN famsite
EPK - SonicBids Promo Kit
SoundClick - Music Site
Static Chain - Contest & Maryland Bands Site
MySpace - LGM - Bizness Site
MySpace - FAM - Fan Site
YouTube - Video Site
FaceBook - Social Site
Going NYC - Social Site

Influences: The Beatles, The Eagles, Paul Simon, Fleetwood Mac, Crosby Stills & Nash, Jackson Browne, Elton John, Janis Ian, The Byrds, Billy Joel, Heart, Lary Lewman, James Taylor, Joni Mitchell, Michael Hedges, Dan Fogelberg, Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young, Shawn Phillips, "Mr. Lew" Egolf, Carol King, America, Little River Band, Bruce Cockburn, Super Tramp, Squeeze, Elvis Costello
Sounds Like: You gotta hear it to understand and believe it. C'mon out and judge for yourself. Often sounds vocally like Kristan and Lance with an occasional Marv and sometimes Danny and Kim.
Record Label: Ruff Records/Lewmanated (Publishing by Royal Wolf)
Type of Label: Indie

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