About Me
I started spinning music in 2002, but I had already been collecting hardcore and techno vinyls before by that time.
At first I was an enthusiast of club techno and many producers affected my musical taste, like Marco Bailey, Marco Carola, Chris Liebing, James Ruskin, Adam Beyer and Dj Rush, just to mention a few.
Since 2002 I organize my own parties under the name: TechnOrDie. In 2003 my style has totally changed when HARD TECHNO appeared in my life. I’ve realized that: â€Yeah, this is what I’ve been searching for for such a long timeâ€. For me hard techno has always meant a blast of energy. When I listen to it, it always regenerates me and inspires me to keep on spinning music. My favourite producers at that time were: Wittekind, Switchblade, Robert Natus, etc.
In 2006 my style has changed inside hard techno. I began to be interesting much more for more extreme sounds, which are characteristical items of my being a DJ ever since. The producers whose tracks I like at the moment are Acid Flux, Hexor and Dariush Gee.
Throughout my carreer I’ve played with many DJs on parties, like Sven Wittekind, Arkus P, Robert Natus, Boris S, Weichentechnikk, Alex TB, Acid Flux, Viper xxl, Hexor, Bazz Dee, Tony Slicer, Zina & Mandy, Fl-X, Inigo Kenedy, Makaton, Loktibrada, just to mention a few.
I was invited to many Hungarian and Slovakian clubs and a few times to the Czech Republic, Slovenia and to Austria as well, to club like:Tunel Club Linz (A), Cellar Club Linz (A), Hollywood Club Ljubljana (Slo),
Piano Club Trencin (Sk), Ucko Bratislava (Sk), Elam Bratislava (Sk), Metroklub Sala (Sk), No3 Nové Zámky (Sk), Ibiza Club Dubnica nad Vahom (Sk), Inferno Nove Mesto nad Vahom (Sk),
Arcade Banska Bystrica (Sk), Radical Club Kosice (Sk), Trix Club Brno (Cz), Triniti Club Brno (Cz), Chrudim (Cz),
Kashmir Club Budapest (H), K2 Budapest (H), Sonic Budapest (H), Freeport Budapest (H), Orange Budapest (H), Cool Club Budapest (H), Mad club Miskolc (H), Vigadó Club Debrecen (H), Lovarda Debrecen (H), Klinika Debrecen (H), etc ...DJ a promotér žijúci v MaÄarsku, hrávaÅ¥ zaÄal od roku 2002,
ale už predtým zbieral hardcore a techno platne. Zo zaÄiatku
inklinoval skôr k technu a producenti Äo ho najviac ovplyvňovali boli:
Marco Bailey, Chris Liebing, Marco Carola, Adam Beyer, DJ Rush, James Ruskin atÄ.Ale jeho Å¡týl sa úplne zmenil keÄ sa do povedomia hudobnej scény dostalo hardtechno.
PriÅ¡iel nato, že toto je presne to Äo chce a toto je to Äo prebije jeho dovtedy najobľúbenejÅ¡Ã hardcore.
Hardtechno pre neho znamená energiu a oslobodenie sa, nabije sa pri ňom energiou,
ktorá ho stále viac a viac ženie dopredu a inÅ¡piruje stále pokraÄovaÅ¥ Äalej a Äalej.
VaÄÅ¡inou hráva najmä v MaÄarsku, ale mal možnosÅ¥
zahrať si už aj v Rakúsku a na Slovensku v kluboch ako sú:
Tunel Club Linz (A), Cellar Club Linz (A), Hollywood Club Ljubljana (Slo),
Piano Club Trencin (Sk), Ucko Bratislava (Sk), Elam Bratislava (Sk), Metroklub Sala (Sk), No3 Nové Zámky (Sk), Ibiza Club Dubnica nad Vahom (Sk), Inferno Nove Mesto nad Vahom (Sk),
Arcade Banska Bystrica (Sk), Radical Club Kosice (Sk), Trix Club Brno (Cz), Triniti Club Brno (Cz), Chrudim (Cz),
Kashmir Club Budapest (H), K2 Budapest (H), Sonic Budapest (H), Freeport Budapest (H), Orange Budapest (H), Cool Club Budapest (H), Mad club Miskolc (H), Vigadó Club Debrecen (H), Lovarda Debrecen (H), Klinika Debrecen (H), ...Okrem iných si zahral s Dj-mi ako:Sven Wittekind, Arkus P, Robert Natus, Boris S, Weichentechnikk, Alex TB, Acid Flux, Viper xxl, Hexor, Bazz Dee, Tony Slicer, Zina & Mandy, Fl-X, Inigo Kenedy, Makaton, Loktibrada,...