Plain MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider
The BOOM BOOM Movement was started by parkbench 'boom boom diva' late one night after yet another conversation with friends about body image, self esteem, and how both these things have a major impact on a person's health and willingness to take care of themselves.
Not only does poor self esteem often lead to depression, eating disorders, and drug/ alcohol abuse, studies have shown that people with poor self image will often neglect their health and avoid medical treatment out of embarrassment. This, of course, leads to many undiagnosed medical problems that may have been prevented or treatable if caught in time.
( such as various cancers, diabetes, lupus, etc. )
In addition,people who suffer from these diseases many times will develop a poor self image or lose their self esteem due to the effects and/ or treatments they're going through.
Lack of self esteem and self worth also prevent many people from leaving abusive relationships.
It's time for everyone to realize that they are amazing and beautiful in spite of any flaws or imperfections they perceive... be proud of them... flaunt them... and look for the beauty in others instead of focusing on their flaws.
Perhaps then people will start taking better care of themselves and less lives will be lost.
We owe it to ourselves and our children to put less importance on appearance and more on what's inside of us.
© Silver Ginger Photography
© Silver Ginger Photography
© Silver Ginger Photography
© Silver Ginger Photography