Jonathan profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

If you haven't gathered from my myspace that I'm nutty then there's a problem. However, I would like to say that I am a young talented makeup artist for Lancome at the present time and I do free lance makeup on the side. I'm a very anxious and energetic person, laughing unfortunately is a side effect of the drug that I'm currently on. And by the way my name is Jonathan for those who are aimlessly wondering the internet for sexy studs... Give me a holla!

My Interests

Makeup,Movies,Music,Men-who are sexy,Cheesey fiesta potatoes(taco bell), and old drag queens...

I'd like to meet:

Annie Lennox, Angelina Jolie(just to pinch her lips to see if anything squirts out), Judge Judy, Tyra Banks(to tell her how pretty her wig is) and beautiful sexy men who want to lavish me with boutiful gifts...


Boy george, Annie lennox, David Bowie, Madonna, Cher, No doubt, Dead or Alive, Bjork, EnVogue, Diana Ross, Whitney Houston, Missy E, The Cranberries, The Carpenters and the list goes on and on and on..... Myspace Layouts - Free Image Hosting


The Exorcist(makes me weaker than shit), Hocus Pocus, Elizabeth, Lord of the Ring, Star Wars, Mean Girls, French & Saunders, Little Princess, and the Little Mermaid(Ursula is one hot drag-queen/octopus thing!)


I never watch television..... unless im at a friends house who has digital cable and on demand.. cause i love that shit...


The Bible (cheesey smile)!


My friends of course...and the Lord...