Dinosaurs and giant robots.
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Don't be shy, I'm really very nice before you get to know me.
I'd like to meet someone who actually read the previous sentence.
Id like 2 meet ppl that can spl shrt wrds w/o abrvtng thm.
I'd like to meet inspiring and beautiful people.
I'd like to meet creative people.
I'd like to meet people that enjoy making others laugh.
I'd like to meet people that eat ice cream with their french fries.
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Now playing:
Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane over the Sea
I seem to have discovered a love for bizarre, slightly psychedelic indie albums with odd vocals. I'm not really sure how to describe them other than to say the singer doesn't exactly have a good singing voice, per se, but certainly an interesting one. Something someone will either love or won't be able to listen to at all. The music itself is nonsensical, or emotional, or sexual, or surreal, or...I'm not entirely sure how to describe it. It may be indie, but from my metal roots I don't really know what indie is. Whatever it is, it's mostly weird, relaxing and enjoyable. Go look for it. What a worthless review.
Arcturus - The Sham Mirrors
It seems the car is where I discover a lot of good music. Not from the radio, as you might think, since I don't have one of those. No, generally it's albums I have lying around that I just haven't had the time or inclination to listen through. Until they play randomly for that nth time and something finally clicks that says: "Holy crap, this kicks ass!" Such is the case with Arcturus - The Sham Mirrors. And it does. Although I can't recommend this to everyone. It's very dense, layered music, offputtingly so at first, and for this reason I never listened to it much. But a song or two hooked me in and let me give it a chance. Note, this is metal. Or "avante-garde" metal, as I suspect is their designation for metal that has piano (which is fantastic, btw) in it.
I probably should give their previous effort "La Masquerade Infernale" another chance, since it is supposedly a much better album.
Yes. Especially homemade german Scheiße videos. Also:
Aliens, Being John Malkovich, Battle Royale, Blade Runner, The Boondock Saints, Brazil, Cemetery Man, City of Lost Children, The Crow, Die Hard, Donnie Darko, Edward Scissorhands, Eraserhead, Ichi the Killer, Jacob's Ladder, Lock, Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, Pi, The Professional, Requiem for a Dream, Terminator 2, Tetsuo: The Ironman, SLC Punk, The Wall, X-Men 2
"My nipples are like pencil erasers!"
"Your entire ass, just packed full of red hot coals? You lucky bastard."
"Pudding can't fill the emptiness inside me! But it'll help."
Currently reading:
Nothing. ;_;
Just read:
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clark
Just a Couple of Days by Tony Vigorito
Carter Beats the Devil by Glen David Gold
I should get off my ass and post reviews...
The Traveler by John Twelve Hawks
2 out of 5 cheap ripoffs
Apparently there is a lot of hype over this book. It is undeserved. I just randomly chose it from sheer
desperation. What we have here is a book carefully crafted to appeal to as many people as possible. It's
a Frankenstein's monster made from equal parts of The Matrix (martial arts, swords, badasses),
Star Wars (the Travelers have a mystical ability, can be good or evil), and 1984 (big brother, everything
is tracked and watched). About halfway through I also realized it was intended to be a trilogy. While
vaguely entertaining, it's not anything you wouldn't expect it to be given the ingredients, and I don't
really have the desire to support the creation of the next two books in any way. And the author's name
strikes me as awfully contrived and pretentious as well. Fuck him.
Tideland by Mitch Cullen
2.5 out of 5 fuck if I knows
This is a rather strange tale I'm not quite sure how to describe. A lot of reviews describe it as haunting and beautiful, and I'm not quite sure I can go there. It starts of fairly slow and if you're not getting hooked into his style there's not much here for you. The end is a 'payoff' of sorts, and I didn't actually regret reading the book, but you may be better of waiting for the movie. Or seeing something else instead.
The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
3.5 out of 5 gobbled kids
I actually zipped through this book rather quickly, and it was a solidly enjoyable read. I sort of put off Tideland as I wasn't quite in the mood for anything heavy. Fantasy story involving kidnapped children, demons, armored bears and a sort of alternate earth. Once I realized it was aimed more at young adults I felt better about the content and enjoying it as much as I did. It's not great, but it's definitely a good read.
Update: I seem to have gotten and blasted through the other two books in this series and it's all very fast-paced and entertaining. There's a rather strange anti-organized religion theme running throughout the three books that I find odd in a series intended for young adults, but whatever.
Previous mini-reviews:
Fuck yeah, what.