♠ AboUt mE huh?? gwa rawk + mErEnG .. bwEk :p~
♠ I rather b a Lesbian than fallin' in Love with a man..
♠ MySpace is not myLife.
♠ A confused person who is stiLL trying to figure out who and what I want in Life.. a cross between what I wannabe, and who I should be!!
♠ ALthough I'm friendLy doesnt mean I easiLy makes friend. I'm taLkactive and chiLdish too. Need a partner to share ur probs? Msg me then!. I can be ur best Listener partner ever but not an advisor.. hehe :p it couLd make ur Life disaster..ahaks.
♠ IF U DON'T Like Me,Then BUZZ OFF...
♠ I will dElEtE U if I thiNk U SuCKs!!!
Pls Visit : My bLoG