Nämenvadihelvetesjävvlaarrr !!! profile picture

Nämenvadihelvetesjävvlaarrr !!!

About Me

I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
I'M NOT HERE TO SHOW OFF AS ARTIST OR BAND! I'M JUST HERE TO SEE HOW MY MUSIC WILL BE RECEIVED, BUT IT SEEMS LIKE PEOPLE ARE OVERFED WITH MUSIC, TRAGICLY SAD! Jag startade min bana i mellanstadiet i skolan, fick möjlighet till slagverkslektioner, med uppväxt i en vanlig arbetarfamilj och i lägenhet så fanns ju inga möjligheter till något trumset så det var bara att glömma, men min mamma ville ändå att jag skulle ha nånting så det blev en virvel med liten cymbal (mor var godhjärtad!). I högstadiet blev det dragspel, så det finns i min ägo. Sedan blev det för 21år sedan, när jag av en händelse kom med i ett band, det splittrades sedermera och jag fortsatte på egen hand. Lokalen vi höll till i med det bandet gjorde jag min allra första inspelning med en synthesizer, den melodin finns i mp3 format på min dator. Sedan köpte jag år 1987 en basgitarr, kom i kontakt med en kille som var på väg att bilda nåt band. Det höll ca.5år. Därefter gjordes en del egna experiment hemma med bas, lånad slagverksmaskin, lånad elgitarr och någon effektbräda. Detta projekt höll jag på med mellan åren 1993-96 och kom att kallas Chaoszcity efter en 4skins låt "chaos". 1996 bytte jag namn på projektet till W@tërMôôôÑ, fortsatte dock med analoga inspelningar, men det blev så jobbigt att arrangera så jag försökte göra nåt med datorns hjälp, det blev dock endast 1 spår och spelades in år 2003. §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ §§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§ NUTID:I år 2007, köpte jag min första Porta hemmastudio inspelningsenhet, och det ni hör är 6 av snart 100 melodier/låtar som jag hunnit spela in sedan inköpet 8 Augusti...namnet Abzurdity !!! kan ha paralleller med tiden när jag endast hade basgitarr och dragspel och spelade in vad som blev en kassett... ************************************************************ ********************************************** I started out at intermediate level in school, got possibility to percussion lessons, as grown up in an ordinary working class family and in an apartment there was no possibilites for a whole drum kit, I just had to forget about it, but my always at that time kind and loving mother wanted to satisfy with at least something so I got a snaredrum and a little cymbal (mother was good at heart!). In senior level of compulsory school I tried accordion, which I still have left. So it went about 21 years ago, when I by some reason became involved in a band which later on split and I continued by myself. The premises rehearsal where the band I became involved in, I recorded my first ever recording with a synthesizer (I still have it left, in mp3 shape on my pc!). In 1987 I bought my bassguitar and started recording own noisy tracks, then a guy I knew since before told he was about to form a band with another guy that I also knew since before. I think we kept on rehearsing for 5 years, we also had 1(!) so called "members of the local music workshop" gig. I became sick of being in a band, so I quit and like in 1993, I began making analogue recordings with what I had in recording units as instruments as bassguitar, borrowed electric guitar (which I l8er bought from the guy), borrowed percussion unit (which I l8er bought from that guy), some borrowed effects board. This project kept me alive & creative between 1993-1996 and I had a name for it; Chaoszcity, after a song by The 4 Skins called "chaos". In 1996 I felt it was time for a change of the project name which became W@tërMôôôÑ, but I kept on making some analogue recordings and I had felt for a pretty long time how hard it was to arrange them with first percussion, then bass, then guitar and finally vocals unless I used the little keyboard for kids then it was percussion programming at first, then maybe bassguitar, after that some keyboards and finally vocals. In 2003 I felt kind of sick but I wanted to try another way, so I tried my computer back then but it only turned out as 1 instrumental track! PRESENT TIME: This year, 2007, I bought my first ever Porta digital recording unit, and what you could have heard is 6 out of soon 100 songs/tracks that I have recorded since the day I bought the unit, 8th of August...BUT THEIRSPACE MESSES ALL UP...AS ALWAYS

My Interests


Member Since: 11/12/2007
Band Website: http://home.vannastv.net/davidsgothicnest/
Band Members: Ð@vid Ð@miëñ: vocals, guitars, bass, percussion programming, accordion, harmonica, pan pipes (at songs where these instruments features)
Influences: Karl Jularbo, Roland Cedermark, Kurt Haagers, Ingmar Nordströms, The Inmates, Crompojkarna, Webstrarna, Franska Bönder, Pontus & Amerikanerna, Jakob Hellman, Staffan Hellstrand, David Shutrick, Fabror Blå, Eric Gadd, Cassak Tsar, Howard Juice And The Western Approaches, Sort Sol (DK), L'amourder (Fin), The Leathernun(SWE), The Triffids (Aus), Alice In Wasteland (Fin), Corpse Diplomatik (DK), Dark Funeral, Cradle Of Filth, KSMB, Skrewdriver (1977), Antisocial, 4Skins, Combat 84, John Lenin, Stockholms Negrer, The Join, Skinny Puppy, NIN, Guru Josh, Guadalcanal Diary, PTTB, Cockney Rejects, Angelic Upstarts, Anti-NoWhere League, Pixies, Ministry, Prodigy, IKON, Lycia, Front 242, Visage, X-Mal Deutschland, Young Marble Giants, Zerra 1, Neon Judgement, à;GRUMH..., Gina Jacobi Tiny Giant Cymbalz etc.The list could be as long as...from here to eternity, but I end it somewhere.
Sounds Like: ABZURDITY !!! wot else?
Record Label: OWN recording space @ home
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

BLOGS facing reality but also handles retro!

Some of them are quiet interesting, other less, yet other behaves like pathetix, yet other like provocating and it all depends on the author what the content will be. I personally dont believe in such...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Mar 2009 10:25:00 GMT


Posted by on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 01:10:00 GMT

Glad that none has discovered Abzurdity !!!

Yeah, I'm glad that noone has discovered Abzurdity !!! cause if there was a rush I would probably become sort of frightened and why? well, I want a little bit of attention but I am not a "star" so thi...
Posted by on Fri, 18 Jul 2008 23:06:00 GMT