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I am here for Friends

About Me

**My name is Jennifer I'm 14 years old and I live in Aberdeen WA**I don't have alot of friends but thats ok because the few friends I have now, mean a lot to me**My hobbies are drawing anime and other things,window shoping, hang with my friends, take walks and do stupitd shit**Where I live theres not much to do but I try to make fun out of it, but it's all good**My school is fun because all my friends and aquaintances are there, but the 2 things I hate abowt school is the school work and P.E because in P.E we have to do the kozey trail**Whats the kozey trail you ask?**It's a 2 mille long trail**Last year I ran the kozey trail in the winter and every buddy was wearing shorts and a t-shirt and I started to coughing up blood**IT WAS HELLA NASTY!**Well I guess Aberdeen isn't that boring if you get used to it**I also think I'm not used to it because I'm not from Aberdeen originally**I'm from Seattle and I had lots of things to do in Seattle**I never ran out of things to do**Most of my good friends are there and my boy-friend is living there and my whole family lives there**My family is all about drama there is never a time when they are boring**


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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

:)**Im here to make new friends**So, if you wanna make a new friend hit me up**:)

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