Bowling, reading, playing games, relaxing with my family
Just about anyone with a sense of humor.
I can tolerate just about any type of music EXPECT hard rock/heavy metal, can't understand what they are trying to say/sing through the screeching noise they call music.
Mystery- the more the movies make me scared, the more interesting the movie, although it is pretty hard to watch the movie through your fingers.
I like the reality shows. House, pretty much an idiot, but an entertaining one, Discovery Channel, Watch out on the weekends during football season, love to watch football, espically when my boys are winning. Go Blue - Go Patroits (Tom Brady fan, you know he's from Michigan right)
My family, always seems to know when you need a shoulder to cry on or just lend an ear to listen and talk to. They always seem to know when a phone call is needed.