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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I am Nikki, Nikki the awesome! I'm a Canadian living in NYC and i am also Greek/Sicilian and Native American. I love ice tea and Almond coffee. I enjoy pondering random things at 4am, and shareing my random thoughts with friends. My favourite words are Deluge and Plethora. I attend Kingsbourogh, and soon CSI. I want to be a JHS earth science teacher, it has been my dream to be a teacher since i was young. I like to steal street signs, glasses from bars, and random train advertisements. I am a huge fan of greek food. The song "closing time" by semisonic defines my jhs experience and 1998 is my favourite year. I will write a book one day, or someone will write one on me. 80's music owns my heart, but i know how to get down with rockband. I will make you laugh even when my whole world is falling apart. I always have a story to tell, and though i don't know if i believe in the existence of love, the search for it consumes my life. If i lived in a movie when i walked down the street tainted love or take on me would play depending on the mood. I don't like to look people in the eyes, im extroverted but shy, make me feel comfortable and i am an open book. I take pictures of everything, i am completely random, a little quirky, i have a touch of OCD, but chill with me and youll never be bored =D
I also have an uber obbession with New York.
If you only get one great love, then New York might just be mine. And i can't have nobody talking shit about my boyfriend!!!!!!!! - Carrie, Sex and the City
"City girls are just like country grils.. WITH CUTER OUTFITS!" - Carrie, Sex and The City
"When your happy the whole world is new york" - Confessions of a teenage drama queen
How many people do you know love where their from soo much they get it tattooed?
You Belong in Brooklyn
Down to earth and hard working, you're a true New Yorker. And although you may be turning into a yuppie, you never forget your roots. Where Should Your Inner New Yorker Live?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Cool people with a good sense of humour. A man with an amazing personality. John Travolta.

This man makes me laugh!

My Blog

Random love survey

1) Single, Taken, Crushing, Heartbroken?Single, crushing, possibly crushed, who knows.2) Are you happy with that?Meh3) Would you kiss your ex?No, thats in the past.4) Have you ever had your h...
Posted by on Sun, 04 Jan 2009 17:05:00 GMT

corn fields

I cry myself to sleep sometimes, its just easier that way you know. To just lay under the covers and wish it all a way, a year of hurt and bad decisions. I feel like  i lack the most basic common...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 01:38:00 GMT

2008 survey

done somet hing you' ve regre tted? hmm normaly i would say oh yah, but you know what everything you do you do for a reason so there is no reason to regret.lost someo ne? as in death, in a sense y...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Dec 2008 18:29:00 GMT


So right now i am in school, i just finished my last final, of my last semester (minus the winter semester that is coming up) of kingsborough. I am listening, on my ipod, to the same song i listened t...
Posted by on Thu, 18 Dec 2008 10:37:00 GMT

a survey. because i feel like it.

Have you had any relat ionsh ips this year? nopeHave you had your birth day yet?september 25th Kisse d two peopl e in the same night ?not in the same night, same week thoughtBeen on a diet? i dont do...
Posted by on Fri, 12 Dec 2008 00:14:00 GMT

maybe i am distroied

Yes i know i already posted something today but as i was cleaning off my computer desk i picked up my perfume bottle which was leaking and i smelled my hand and i was taken back to the summer. I wore ...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Dec 2008 22:43:00 GMT

Ugh i think its that time again

I think its that time again, where i want to go to rode island. Yeah i know, whenever things get way to hard to handle i pull out the.. i want to go to rode island card, but i really do. For 50 dollar...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Dec 2008 22:05:00 GMT

Update.. sortof.

So i havent posted a blog on myspace in about a month. In an effort to adjust to the new facebook ive been spending much time on there. My last blog dealt with me getting through a week of horrors.. w...
Posted by on Sun, 30 Nov 2008 15:11:00 GMT

the week of horrors end, and ponders

Finally the week of ultimate horrors is over, i saw the writing fellow (douche bag man!), did my cpe prep workshops, wrote my papers, filed for graduation, and did my cpe! whoa and regular school work...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 22:16:00 GMT

I love this fucking song

by far this is one of my favourite songs, and has been since i was about 11 or 12 years old. Lol it always spoke to me when i was in love, out of love, looking for love, its like a song that fits all...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Oct 2008 17:20:00 GMT