yep. thats me in a nutshell.
the BIG Lebowski/ the dude/ his dudeness.
the count of monte cristo. best movie in the world
toooo much
only when i have to read
it depends on if you make a difference. conor c. he got an award from my town for being the coolest teenager in town. he was nominated in the guinness book of world records as the kid with the funniest jokes, coolest hair, coolest personality, and for being such a ladies man and stud. He is awesome, and it is an honor for me to know this guy. he likes the red sox, which makes him rad cool to the max, and he is a fan of ACDC. one word describes him:extravagantalyawesomlycrazilycoolnesskidfromtheunitedsta tesofamericaandisahomedogofmeandrockstheshiznickoutofthehigh schoolyeah! yeah hes that cool.