Exit Realty offers stability to talented new and veteren sales professionals. Commission splits range from 70-90% and desk fees are not allowed anywhere within the company, even for visiting realtors from other offices. The atmosphere is user friendly for all employees, very much with a community ideology.
You can be hired from anywhere within the 50 states and will be hooked up with the office closest to you. Our office offers mortgages within all 50 states through a list of major lenders. Realtors interested in tapping into our mortgage products, wherever you may reside, are welcomed to do so. So yes, you can earn money from both the property and funding sides. Our office is also working to put together a project that will offer environmental impact services and other lengthier environmental studies for your commercial buyer/sellers/borrowers in the Southern California areas. Leads produced through our various websites will be distributed to agents who have signed up initially with our team, no matter where you are located.
Industry experience is recommended, but not required. Sales experience and/or drive to succeed is a must. Email resume to:
[email protected].
We train and support our professionals. To learn more, go to: http://exitrealty.com/training/training.aspx