darlene profile picture


i hijacked a rainbow and crashed into a pot of gold

About Me

I am your habitual, state of Maine, small town raised, big city loving, blue jean wearing nice girl who grew up on a tiny island off the coast of Portland. I have a great family that I love. My friends are wonderful. I am fun, spunky, bright, and crazy.. just not all at the same time. I'm pretty stubborn and I'm overly emotional. I apologize for everything. I give it my all and wear my heart on my sleeve. I am infatuated by the small things and scared of the big things. I secretly wish I could be Martha Stewart and Rachael Ray if they were one person. I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I'm indecisive. You really need to know me to understand me. I have a lot to offer, but I'm painfully shy so most people don't get to see that.
This is what I do:
Chef, baker, janitor, sock and shoe finder, coat buttoner, boot finder, bottle washer, grocery shopper, diaper changer, protector, dish washer, nose wiper, vegetable pusher, floor sweeper, waiter, story teller, playground attendant, PE teacher, activity director, zoo keeper, inspector, aerobics instructor, tutor, derby instructor, therapist, manager, bookkeeper, performer, entertainer, self-esteem builder, teacher, helper, well wisher, nurse, traffic controller, noise controller, life saver, thinker, problem solver, engineer, designer, counselor, safety instructor, arbitrator, creator, inventor, companion, musician, historian, technician, scientist, biologist, technologist, analyst, manicurist, receptionist, environmentalist, pharmacist, hygenist, speech therapist, reader, builder, informer, composer, supervisor, author, navigator, peacemaker, friend...
by Adults and Children's Alliance

My Interests

hot sand on bare feet, freckles, curly hair, mexicali blues, bonfires on south beach, nappi's, live music, dairy queen, scrapbooking & photography, changing foliage, the spar & spar crew, mixed cds, novelty socks, flip-flops..

I'd like to meet:

I'd love to reconnect with old friends as Myspace has already proven to be pretty great with that. I'm all for meeting new people who like to go out every once in a while. I like lots of things but need to be with the right people to enjoy it.


counting crows, stevie ray vaughan, sublime, ray lamontagne, guster, paranoid social club, jonny lang, grace potter & the nocturnals, david bowie.. loads more.


the breakfast club, backdraft, empire records, the labyrinth, saw & saw II, the memphis belle, the craft, the goonies, adventures in babysitting, monty python & the holy grail, practical magic..


i don't watch that much television (even though the discovery of our free cable is a great one!), but when i do, i like to watch the simpsons, south park, malcolm in the middle and csi.


montana, 1948 by larry watson.

My Blog

BLOG: Maine, The Way Life Should Be

I thought this was funny Maine - The Way Life Should Be Maine Turnpike will hand out "Welcome to Vacationland" informational flyers to all vehicles entering the state bearing New Jersey, New York or...
Posted by darlene on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 02:28:00 PST

BLOG: a hundred + one

1. ONE OF YOUR SCARS, HOW DID YOU GET IT?The scar on the bridge of my nose, between my eyes. My cousin Kristopher and I were children and we were playing with those old wicker lacrosse sticks.. He got...
Posted by darlene on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 07:51:00 PST

BLOG: 5/31/06 the new apartment

WE GOT IT!!   Well, we knew it was basically ours on Thursday when we went to see it and told Howard, "we want it."  We put the down payment down yesterday and he gave us a receipt.&nbs...
Posted by darlene on Wed, 31 May 2006 10:39:00 PST

BLOG: tag, you're it!

When you are "tagged" you are supposed to post a blog and list six of your own very unique oddities/quirks. Then you need to tag six other people and list them at the bottom. Make sure to post somethi...
Posted by darlene on Fri, 05 May 2006 05:36:00 PST