♥ Dawnie ♥ profile picture

♥ Dawnie ♥

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.img

About Me

Hi!! My name is Dawn. I was born and raised in New Iberia, La. I am a true born cajun. I am the oldest of three. I am married to my soulmate who is a soldier in the US Army. I am a SAHM to four kids and a step mom to two. My kids are my JOY!! I LOVE BEING A MOM!! My kids come first in my life. We are living at the moment at Fort Polk, La. My husband just got home from another deployment. This was our 2nd war deployment. Our first deployment was in 2003-2004 and was a 15 month tour in Iraq. I overcame many obstacles. One in which I endured child birth alone. That was really hard but I did because like so many other military wives out there I had no choice.:( Being in the military either as the soldier, spouse, or child it has many sacrifices and everyone has to pay in their own way. I am so happy my hubby is home. It was so hard without him. The kids have not gotten off of him. I am so glad this deployment is over with and I can put it behind me. I would of never gotten through it without my best friend Jo Ann. She was my angel who kept me from falling into depression. I am so blessed to have such a great best friend. I love you Jo!
Anyways I have 2 neice's and 2 nephews. I LOVE being a aunt. My family means so much to me. I am a honest and fair person. I live my life with no regrets. I have no skeletons in my closet and when I look back into my past there is nothing I am ashamed of. I try to set the best examples for my kids with the choices I make in my life. I choose not to expose them to certain things, certain types of people and situations. I am trying to be the best parent ever to them. I have not always had a easy road in life. (my old friends know what I am talking about) I feel I am a better and wiser person from my past experiences. I will go the extra mile for my the ones I love. When backed into a corner or someone hurts my family I can be a major bitch. I am not afraid to speak my mind and I take no shit. So beware if you ever deside to mess with me because I promise you I will always have the last laugh! Honestly I really don't have time to play games with people. I try to avoid drama all together. I can really care less what goes on other peoples (besides my family & friends) lives because I have my own life to worry about.
BUT anyways... I love to spend time with my husband & kids. They make me a better person. I love cooking and its something I am very good at. I enjoy baking with my kids. Sitting outside on my swing is my get away and planting flowers is my relaxation. Praying keeps me grounded. Without God I am no one! Soon we will be looking to buy a house and move closer to home. I am really looking forward to the next chapter in my life. Over all I have a great life. Awesome husband!! Fantastic Kids!!! A GREAT family!! The best friends ever!!! I am one lucky girl!!!
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My Interests

~My favorite things to do~

~ Taking pics!! I am always armed with my camera. My kids get tired of me snapping pics of them everyday. Hey my motto is you can never have too many pictures!

~ Crafts!! I've gotten back into scrap booking. I really love to cross stitch but right now I don't have time to. At the moment my craft project is the welcome home banner I am making for my hubby!!

~ Making people laugh!! LOL I can be really silly sometimes. I love to see others laugh. I am really giggly person (most days). lol

~ Fishing! Gosh growing up we lived on our boat. My most missed childhood memories is fishing with my family. I've spent many many many days of my life out at the Bay, Southwest Pass, Marsh Island, and the Gulf. I really want to buy a boat once we move back home so I can show my hubby what salt water fishing is all about! lol :))

~ Spoiling my hubby! Yeap I am guilty!! He is so spoiled. He knows it too. I really love making him feel special because I love him with all of my heart. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful marriage!! Over here he gets treated like a king ... but sometimes his head will blow up and I have to bring him back down to earth. haha But you know what? He spoils me right back. I am always getting surprised with cards, love letters, flowers, and gifts.

~ Providing the best life and giving my kids opportunities to learn and experience life.

I'd like to meet:

I love meeting new friends. I also love finding old high school friends!! I am blessed to have old friends from 20 plus years back to new friends I've met being part of the military community. I'm NOT LOOKING for swinging couples...(gross), liars, back stabbers, cheaters, control freaks, people who do not support the troops, moochers, hypocrites and two face people. I really hate messy dishonest people. I don't have time for drama in my life!




There is nothing better than sitting down with my hubby and watching a good football game on tv!! We look forward to game day over here. Having our own party! If its a LSU game we all wear our colors. lol

I love to watch the soaps when the kids are taking naps. I also like to watch A & E and HGTV!


I've read many books... and still reading many more. Some of my favorites are: A Year of Absence, Home Fires Burning, & Chicken Soup For The Military Wife's Soul.

Layout by: Army Wives Snags

My Blog

Happy Birthday

Today is my little man's 6th birthday!! I can't believe he is 6! My babies are growing!! Anyways... Happy Birthday Lane!!!!...
Posted by ¤*Dawn*¤ on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 04:22:00 PST

I'm gonna have a new Nephew today!!

My bother and his wife is having their baby today!! He will be born sometime around lunch time by c-section. I am so excited!! I am the God Mother!! WOO HOO!...
Posted by ¤*Dawn*¤ on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 06:20:00 PST

I got something again yesterday from my sweet hubby

I got this yesterday!!!! I tell you I am one lucky girl! I am so blessed to have such a thoughtful husband that loves me so much!! He is lucky too because I love him with all my heart and soul. I am l...
Posted by ¤*Dawn*¤ on Fri, 26 May 2006 08:50:00 PST

Look what my hubby sent me!!!!!

Look what I got  yesterday!!!!! I tell you he is the best!!!! I love him so much!!! ...
Posted by ¤*Dawn*¤ on Sun, 21 May 2006 09:36:00 PST

I WANT SOME.........

BOILED CRAWFISH!!! I'm having a serious craving!!!!!  lol
Posted by ¤*Dawn*¤ on Thu, 04 May 2006 07:42:00 PST

My poor baby

Its no big secret that Caroline is extremely close to her daddy. I knew she was going to have a really hard time with him being deployed. Well I am really starting to worry about her. First she is los...
Posted by ¤*Dawn*¤ on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 08:44:00 PST

A Year Of Absence

Today I went to the px and the author of A Year of Absence was signing books. One of my good friends already read it and was touched by it. I am looking forward to reading it. I am going to wait to re...
Posted by ¤*Dawn*¤ on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 07:09:00 PST

A Time to Believe

To believe is to know thatevery day is a new beginning.It is to trust that miracles do happen,and dreams really do come true. To believe is to see angelsdancing among the clouds,to know the wonder of...
Posted by ¤*Dawn*¤ on Wed, 08 Feb 2006 07:13:00 PST

OMG This is sooo funny!!!!

CPT Wedley
Posted by ¤*Dawn*¤ on Sun, 29 Jan 2006 07:40:00 PST


I am a military wife - a member of that sisterhood of women who have had the courage to watch their men go into battle, and the strength to survive until their return. Our sorority knows no rank, for ...
Posted by ¤*Dawn*¤ on Thu, 19 Jan 2006 05:06:00 PST