Bloom is Vilma Duarte. She was born in 1979 in Leiria and music has always been part of her life. Her basic influence is alternative / rock music and bands / artists such as Pink Floyd, Nick Cave, Morphine, dEUS, or Faith No More are her main references.
Psychedelic tunes appeared in her life about four years ago when she got in touch with some friends who introduced her to artists like Abakus, Carbon Based Lifeforms, Kick Bong, Shulman, etc. Since then, she has been performing her dj set at some parties and was part of the 2007 Freedom Festival, Freaks Blast 2006, Tuatara She'll Out Session, as well as Psybertech, both 2006 and 2007 editions.
Besides music she is also interested in photography, cinema, cities, books, and people.