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Do you spriken english???

About Me

Name: KaReN
Birthday: MaY 22- I'm expecting presents!!!
Birthplace: HoFfMan eStaTes ilLinOis
Current Location: FaYeTTeViLLe/GwD
Eye Color: mOOnLiGhT bRoWn
Hair Color: AsIaN bLaCk
Height: fIvE tHrEE
Right Handed or Left Handed: RiGhTy
Your Heritage: LaOtIaN
The Shoes You Wore Today: FLiP FLoPs
Your Weakness: DoNuts And ChOcoLaTE CaKe
Your Fears: gEttInG mY hEaRt BrOkEn
Your Perfect Pizza: JuSt ThE cRuSt AnD sAuCe or JuSt w/ ChEEsE
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: iF i TeLL yOu It WoN'T cOmE tRuE
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: oO
Thoughts First Waking Up: WhAt TiMe Is It?
Your Best Physical Feature: HaIr AnD fAcE
Your Bedtime: wHeN i FeeL lIkE
Your Most Missed Memory: My HaPPy MoMenTs
Pepsi or Coke: SpRiTe aNd GaToRaDe
MacDonalds or Burger King: MiCkEy D's
Single or Group Dates: dEpEnDs
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: i DoN't dO TeA
Chocolate or Vanilla: cHoCoLaTe
Cappuccino or Coffee: Starbucks Doubleshot Expresso
Do you Smoke: Nah...KiLLs Ya
Do you Swear: oCCaSSiOnAllY
Do you Sing: WheN I FeeL liKe iT
Do you Shower Daily: YeS sIr
Have you Been in Love: NeVeR hAd ThE pLeAsUrE
Do you want to go to College: aLrEaDy MaDe It
Do you want to get Married: SoMeDaY
Do you belive in yourself: sOmEtImEs
Do you get Motion Sickness: NoT rEaLLy
Do you think you are Attractive: mAyBe
Are you a Health Freak: NaH
Do you get along with your Parents: YeS
Do you like Thunderstorms: NoT aT aLL- it puts me to sleep
Do you play an Instrument: NoPe
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: I wIsH
In the past month have you Smoked: DoN't Do ThAt
In the past month have you been on Drugs: DoN't Do ThAt
In the past month have you gone on a Date: nAh
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: QuItE a FeW tImEs
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: nO
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: YeSh
In the past month have you been on Stage: In My MuSic LeCtuRe cLaSS TuRniNg In My PaPer
In the past month have you been Dumped: NaH
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: NoPe
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: nO
Ever been Drunk: YeS
Ever been called a Tease: LoL
Ever been Beaten up: eVeRyTiMe Me aNd NicKy haNgS oUt
Ever Shoplifted: No
How do you want to Die: ??? NeVeR tHoUgHt BoUt It
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: uNdEcIdEd
What country would you most like to Visit: ItAlY
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: GrEEn
Favourite Hair Color: AnY
Short or Long Hair: BotH
Height: FiVe SiX aNd Up
Weight: nOt SkInnIeR tHaN mE
Best Clothing Style: AnYtHiNg ThAt LooKs GooD oN hIm
Number of Drugs I have taken: PreFeRaBLy NoNe
Number of CDs I own: Too MaNy To CoUnT
Number of Piercings: nOnE
Number of Tattoos: NoNe
Number of things in my Past I Regret: dOn'T kNoW
been kissed.. YeS
lied to a friend.. A fEw TiMeS
dyed ur hair a CoUpLe Of TiMeS
dressed punk NeVeR
kissed a girl iT's mY DiRtY LiTTLe SeCrEt
saw something u didnt want to I tRy To FoRgEt
danced in the rain Si
lied to ur parents wHeN i HaVe To
went barefoot in the snow nEvEr ThOuGhT oF tRyInG iT
played hockey yEsH!!!
made ur own clothes NoT eNoUgH TaLeNt
got in a fite NoPe
took a shower YeS...i SmeLL gOOd
cried=( YeSh- when i was watching One Tree Hill
did a cartwheel NaH
went to school Uh HuH
shopped No
danced Nah uH
got sick NoPe
did something u regret NoT tHaT i KnOw Of
discovered something new uMM...?
run to class because ur always late I dOn'T rUn...TaKeS tOO mUcH eNeRgY
act perfect nO
act hyper No
are a nerd SoMeTiMeS
in band?? I dOn'T kNoW hOw To BlOw A hOrN
in ur pjs Tshirt and ShoRts
drinkin GaToraDe
listening to music Yeap
watching a movie nO
iming someone BeKah
talkin on the fone nAh Uh
eating nAh Uh
hot topic or abercrombie and fitch AmeRiCan EaGLe
thongs or briefs I lIkE pAnTiEs
boxers anyone?!?! i DoN't WeAr AnYtHiNg w/ A cRoTcH hOLe
sweatpants or jeans SwEaTs InSiDe AnD jEaNs OuTsIdE
longsleeved shirts or short sleeve LoNg In WiNtEr aNd ShOrT iN sUmMeR
tube tops or tanks TaNkS
current clothes Tshirt and Shorts
current mood HaPPy AnD sAd aT tHe SaMe TiMe
current music aLwAyZ bEEn ThE sLoW oNeS
current taste WhAtEvEr I'm HuNgRy FoR
current make-up NaTuRaL lOOk w/ SoMe MakEuP
current thing I ought to be doing SLeePiNG
you hugged JaMaL
yelled at DoN'T rEmEmBer
IMed. BeKah
you touched wHaT kInD oF qUeStIoN iS tHiS?
[ EiTHER/0R .. ]
coffee or hot chocolate FrOzEn MoChA
big or little WhAt???
lace or satin nOnE oF tHe ChOiCeS
new or old DePeNdS
vogue or cosmopolitan cOsMoPoLiTaN
wool or cotton CoTToN
[DO YOU..]
put on a "front" NaH
have a crush on someone i HaTe CaLLiNg ThEm CrUsHeS
if u got a tatoo where wud u get it ProB wHeRe U cAn'T See It
waht is the online symbol u use the most a LoT oF ! aNd LiTTLe BiT oF ?
u have a boyfriend or girlfiend nOpe
who's hotter, Josh Hartnett or Chad Michael Murray CmM aLL tHe WaY
what was the last thing you said TeLL HiM I tHiNk he'S GaY!!!
who would u want to be stuck in an elevator with JaMeS LaFFeRtY
do you like stickers dEpEnDs On ThE sTiCkEr
do u play with mad libs wen ur bored MaD wHaT???
are you suicidal SoRRy To DiSaPPoInt BuT nO
is your window open YeS
what was the last pair of shoes you bought GirLie BaLLet LooKing sHoes
do you have a little brother YeS
does he draw you cute pictures nOt AnYmOrE
where do your grandparents live HeAvEn
what do you think of when you hear the word click MF DiD NoT jUst hAnG uP oN mE
are you a moron No
have u ever accidentally sucked something up in the vacuum No
did you see American Pie 2 YeP
do you cut yourself nO

My Interests

[Marital Status] Single
[Shoe size] 9 and 1/2
[Parents still together] Nope
[Siblings] Kritie and Kevin
[Pets] All sorts - my brothers
[Color] Blue and Pink
[Number] 22
[Animal] Zebra
[Drinks] Whatever I like to drink
[Soda] Sprite
[Book] HaRRy PoTTer
[Flower] Pink Daisies
[Color your hair?] Used to
[Twirl your hair?] Sometimes
[Have tattoos?] none
[Have Piercings?] just my ears
[Cheat on tests/homework?] nah
[Drink/Smoke?] I drink, drink, drink
[Like roller coasters?] love them
[Wish you could live somewhere else?] sometimes
[Want more piercings?] no
[Like cleaning?] no
[Write in cursive or print?] depends
[Own a web cam?] no and don't ask me again
[Know how to drive?] yes
[Own a cell phone?] yes
[Ever get off the damn computer?] sometimes
[Been in a fist fight?] no
[Considered a life of crime?] no
[Considered being a hooker?] no
[Lied to someone?] yea
[Been in love?] no
[Made out with JUST a friend?] yea
[Been in lust?] yea
[Used someone] sorry to say...yea
[Been used?] not that i know of
[Been cheated on?] yea
[Kicked someone in the nuts?] yesh
[Stolen anything?] long time ago
[Held a gun] yea
[Current clothing] Greenwood Tees and sweaters
[Current mood] don't know
[Current taste] whatever i'm hungry for
[What you currently smell like] Pure Seduction
[Current hair] natural w/ layers
[Current thing I ought to be doing] cleaning and studying
[Current cd in stereo] nothing
[Last book you read] harry potter
[Last movie you saw] madagascar
[Last thing you ate] dim sum's
[Last person you talked to on the phone] mommy
[Do drugs?] no
[Believe there is life on other planets?] sometimes
Remember your first love?] never had a first love
[Still love him/her?]
[Read the newspaper?] yes
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?] yes
[Believe in miracles?] yes
[Do well in school?] yes
[Wear hats] no
[Hate yourself?] no
[Have an obsession?] no
[Collect anything?] no
[Have a best friend?] yes
[Close friends?] yes
[Like your handwriting?] yes
[Care about looks] yes
[First crush] Alex Torres
[First kiss] Ritchie
[Do you believe in love at first sight?] idk
[Do you believe in "the one?"] idk
[Are you a tease?] sometimes
[Too shy to make the first move?] no
[Daydreamer] yes
[Bitch/Asshole] sometimes
[sarcastic] yes
[Angel] yes/no
[Devil] yes/no
[Shy] sometimes
[Talkative] yes


I'd like to meet:

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What Your Face Says
At first glance, people see you as down to earth and reliable.
Overall, your true self is reserved and logical.
With friends, you seem dramatic, lively, and quick to react.
In love, you seem mysterious and interesting.
In stressful situation, you seem like you're oblivious to the stress. What Do People Think Of Your Face?
Guys Like That You're Fun
You're the type of girl guys brag about knowing
That's because you're cool, funny, and laid back
You're smart enough to know how to be one of the guys
But flirty enough to know how to make them all want you What Do Guys Like About You?
Your Power Color Is Blue
Relationships and feelngs are the most important things to you.
You are empathetic and accepting - and good at avoiding conflict.
If someone close to you is in pain, it makes you hurt as well.
You try to heal the ones you love with your kind and open heart. What's Your Power Color?