YZ profile picture


i for you and you for me

About Me

It seems everything is in constant motion.Life throws you some strikes and it always for the better.You have to learn from your mistakes and from your accomplishments.//////me: I'm training for the Bellin 10k and the Beer Belly 2 mile run in June.Raising 2 beautiful girls,play bass guitar in a band,been married for 10 years and proud of it.oh, I also enjoy drinking Pabst brew.Moving on to bigger and more productive things!
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My Interests

-Beers-Music-Song Writing-War Movies-Sports-Playing Golf-Beers-Reading-Madden 2006,actually any Madden--Beers-Reading-raising my children,running,1080 Club

I'd like to meet:

There seems to be an endless supply of people that I would like to meet. These are some of my friends (maybe you should make them your friends)....................


Got myself an I-POD NANO.Its the shit and i highly recommend you go out and fuckin buy one.it holds close to my entire cd collectionI don't give a shit for country music unless it has something to do with Larry Pierce./////////Rock N'Roll Heavy Metal Gansta Rap all thumbs up for this character.Music is the key for eternal peace and hope... Music is the key to unlock many doors... Music is magic put into order..... Music is the reason you are in a better mood.....I think


Top 15 (in no order)Breakfast Club- Pee Wee's Big Adventure- Clockwork Orange- The Shining- Apocalypse Now- Pulp Fiction- Little Nicky- Napoleon Dynamite- Vanilla Sky- the Toxic Avenger- Bruce Campbell vs. Army of Darkness- Matrix- Full Metal Jacket- Gladiater- the doors- Star Wars- Major League


-Around the Horn-News-House-the Simpsons-Sports-Football(GO PACKERS)-Hockey(GO AV'S)-South Park-CSI MIAMI-Mike and Mike in the morning (ESPN)-3 Sheets-(chances are if you don't have cable/dish,you probably don't like t.v.)i highly recommend a plasma 1080 dpi.its REALLY a fuckin incredible picture.


Stephen King-Herman Melville-


Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa,my incredible wife Stacey Jo- to her i say this "no other woman comes close".Some people think they know,others just do!

My Blog

be told

From the seas of the fallen lands I rise. I am here to take you all . Save your last prayer for me and Let it be done. For all to see. I've come alone seeking what is mine. Let the truth be told becau...
Posted by YZ on Thu, 01 May 2008 06:20:00 PST

from me to you

You are not alone. when your feeling down when you lose faith in your doubts If I had only known you were home crying. I feel I’m always here for you When the darkness has won, when the world tu...
Posted by YZ on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 04:18:00 PST

about me :: part 3

I’m writing music,trying to stay positive,hangin with the family.,drinking Pabst lately.Holy fart syndrome superman!Practicing an awful lot with my Ibanez Bass Guitar.I’ve been doing a lot...
Posted by YZ on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 09:11:00 PST

Life is Life

Life is fast Life is unforgiving Time flies Life is life Life is over Life is weak Time flies Life is life Life so here Life so strong Life so trajically speaking Life so life   Life is Life En...
Posted by YZ on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 09:38:00 PST

Breathe Out

Breathe In. Breathe Out. Its not so easy when underwater, Yet I have this control For once in my life existence I feel the freedom manifesting. Fill my lungs with the burning. Let my eyes sink in...
Posted by YZ on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 07:58:00 PST

you only think you are in love

So, your in love.You feel like you have met the love of your life.Perhaps you have,BUT lets say something happens between you and the love of your life.Lets just pretend that person somehow disappeare...
Posted by YZ on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 06:27:00 PST

Not Guilty Society

Is it me or does it seem that everyone who is charged with a crime pleads not guilty.By pleading not guilty your buying yourself days or months(years) of extra freedom.Even if you are guilty,plead not...
Posted by YZ on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 07:54:00 PST

gone by

Days have gone by and darkness washes over my clean face This feels so alive. What really happens when we leave this place,our home ? Days go by and water rises to my head On more than ...
Posted by YZ on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 08:05:00 PST

shades of white

My legs feel like a ton. My eyes red as the sun. When I tell her she is the one, She only turns her body to run.       She fills up her lungs with my wasted breath. I didn't know I was ...
Posted by YZ on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 01:38:00 PST

burning my eyes

I don't know how we survived All those nights I can't deny Those were the best times in my life Hey! Who said I can't be right? Should we just sit here and not fight? Another diamond molded from rough...
Posted by YZ on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 05:57:00 PST