-Beers-Music-Song Writing-War Movies-Sports-Playing Golf-Beers-Reading-Madden 2006,actually any Madden--Beers-Reading-raising my children,running,1080 Club
There seems to be an endless supply of people that I would like to meet. These are some of my friends (maybe you should make them your friends)....................
Got myself an I-POD NANO.Its the shit and i highly recommend you go out and fuckin buy one.it holds close to my entire cd collectionI don't give a shit for country music unless it has something to do with Larry Pierce./////////Rock N'Roll Heavy Metal Gansta Rap all thumbs up for this character.Music is the key for eternal peace and hope... Music is the key to unlock many doors... Music is magic put into order..... Music is the reason you are in a better mood.....I think
Top 15 (in no order)Breakfast Club- Pee Wee's Big Adventure- Clockwork Orange- The Shining- Apocalypse Now- Pulp Fiction- Little Nicky- Napoleon Dynamite- Vanilla Sky- the Toxic Avenger- Bruce Campbell vs. Army of Darkness- Matrix- Full Metal Jacket- Gladiater- the doors- Star Wars- Major League
-Around the Horn-News-House-the Simpsons-Sports-Football(GO PACKERS)-Hockey(GO AV'S)-South Park-CSI MIAMI-Mike and Mike in the morning (ESPN)-3 Sheets-(chances are if you don't have cable/dish,you probably don't like t.v.)i highly recommend a plasma 1080 dpi.its REALLY a fuckin incredible picture.
Stephen King-Herman Melville-
Mom and Dad, Grandma and Grandpa,my incredible wife Stacey Jo- to her i say this "no other woman comes close".Some people think they know,others just do!