Saiful profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

AaaaAa... OooOoOo,wAnnA No BoUT Me yer ?, K la , we starRt yer ( at firSt I wAs AffrAiD, I was PRetified ) common2 . jUsT sinG EveRyBody! Yeah BaBy!...... Ops DaH mElAlutlah plak2 , solly2......i'm a person Dat standing wiz My oWn feet , i'm a PersON daT likE AlL tYpes of FeMale...EspecIaLLy the GrOuP dAt love MuSic , 'No mUsic No LiFe' ( my Fren Told Me like Dat , so Plz DoNT be MaD WiZ mE k ) , I lIkE aLL genRe...MuSIc... global la KatekAn... BuT NowaDays I PreFE_r E_mO liKe The Used , F.A.T.A, ThursdAY ,AlicE In Chain And maNy more.... WhAt diD u Say? I liKe BikE or NOt ..... Errrmmm... a LiTTLe bit la..... SaYe skaNg bLaja Kt UiTM Seri Iskandar....In Landscape CouRse.....So if U Wanna No mORE, u Can bE My freN , We Can ShAre moRe From DeEp InsidE 2 OuTSide OuR HeARt .....u'r WellCCome....:))

My Interests

All Dat IntEresting!!!

I'd like to meet:

All HomO SapIEns dAt lIVE iN Da gLobe.... BE la SaYer puNyer KawAn, KaLAu x NaK pUn Xpe .....I Can StIll FinD a Fren whether It Is BatHinG ApE,HuhUUU ,Heee.....peRgh! AbOuT GurrLz, ermm..... come2 Be My FReN, I loVE 2....., i'M NoT Dat StupId liTTle Person still Be FreN wiz U..... IsHk ,Sayer Ni terLamPau 'Survive' ker.... as A concLusion , be La KawaN Sayer k .... I wiSh U do It , Coz I wanna Fren dat leh KOngsi MaSalah Ngan Sayer....


Emo eSpeciaLLy, GothIc Also Can .....Ex: HIM..., erm... naa, all genrelah...senang citer


CoMedies , Sci-Fi moVies, Scary Movie ( not da one dat fully in joke....but it is seriously scaRy ) , JACKASS.... romanCe? A liTTle bit....Jiwang SanGatla benda Alah Tu....dan sebagainya


Panasonic, i , SONY , AiWA and sebagainya


UtoPiA's BooX, RottW, Bang!, Zines, and all Magazines dat loCate iN DiZ woRld


Myself , Jack-Black as The Spiderman ,Superbman, The Flashlight , Bread Man and Humpty i forget one more... The Hunchback....WakAkkaKA