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justin hight


About Me

better to fart in your toilet than to shit in your pants~~Confucius

My Interests


man lots , the great escape ,the good the bad and the ugly,anything woody allen ,coen brothers, scrosese films,takeshi kitano films' made and swingers are great,scarface ,carlitos way, white heat, pornography,alfred hitchcock,slingblade,copote umm also good independant films (not just any indie film to be trendy) wes anderson films,the lost weekend,larwance of arabia,spike jones charlie kauffman films,guns of naverone,good documentaries like wordwars ,and all the chistopher guest mockumentaries ,most east wood directed films and also his westerns,and sergeo leone films all of them ,great war movies like paths of glory ,patton,saving privte ryan,the thin red line,when trumpets fade,full metal jacket,black hawk down,( iknow i am missing alot of them )any stanley kubric film ,..oh and of course any coppola film ..the godfather .apocalypse now n stuff,oh i love the first 2 rocky movies they are well done ..the others aren't as well made but are still fun ,the terminator and robocop movies for some reason,(only the first robocop though the rest suck)pootie tang(sorry i can't think i know i am missing like 90% of my favorite movies and directors ( i didn't list hardly any of the comedies)


umm the soppranos,football,the learning and science channles,boxing,curb your enthusiasm,the shield,rome,the office (british verson)flight of the conchords,extras,futurama,southpark arrested development,reno 911,ali G ,all the political shows,( by the way reality shows SUCK and they are for morons with no taste(sorry morons) ok there must be more but i can't think ..also most of the tv series like soppranos i just get the dvds but i still put that under television.


way too many to name ..lonesome dove (and anything eles by lary mcmurtry ( i have got almost all of my freinds to read this book don't be put off by the fact that its a western cuz they all loved it ..most of them put it in thier profile ) anything by robert heinlein (stranger in a strange land is my favorite of his) artur c clark books, philip jose farmer umberto eco is a great writer,grass,science books political books,biology ,douglass adams books,vonnegutt,the education of a bodybuilder by arnold, axtec by garry jennings ..ok way to many writers to name and books .so i am shuting up


you,just kiding