Well. To be fair, My life's a bit of a fuck up. Not in a bad 'I'm addicted to skag' kinda way...Just. Well. Its a bit everywhere.
♦ I'm in my final year of studying performing arts, at what is possibley the crapest little college in the history of the world...
♦ Most of my friends are either giant crackheads, or sex crazed maniacs. With a few geeks and the odd cunt thrown in there for good measure.
♦ My boyfriend's a bit of a weirdo, but that's fine. 'Cos he makes me smile.
♦ I have this small dog. She's only a baby, all small and fluffy. I'm kind of in love with her. ♥
♦ To an outsider. I appear to dress like a bit of a tramp. They would be wrong. It's simpley that my idea of 'events' that warrent me making an effort, differ slightly to those of the rest of the world.
...In summery, Dont argue with me. Im of the dramatic origin, and you'll only come off worse.Dont come near my dog. She Iz Well 'Ard. and she will eat you. And most importantly. Dont wear heals to college...what..is..the..point.