Myspace Layouts at / Rolls royce phantom
Myspace Layouts at / Rolls royce phantom
i aM aLso LooKing fOr SomeboDy whO lOves Me fOr Me.,with No cOndiTioNS at aLL,.jUSt ME and ALL of Me.,
whO HAs a gReat SenSe oF HumOr
WhO UnDersTanDs whaTeVer And wHoever i aM.,
wHo trEasuRe FrIendshIp
wHO LoVE LiFe.,ANd uNdErsTAnd Its ComPLexItIes.,.,.
whO iS Open MinDEd
wHo CaRE LeSs ABoUt,.WhAT PeOpLe SAy.,.
wHo IS mAtruREd EnoUgh tO CarrY His Own LiFE/ cRoSs
LibErATed.,.And Love To pArty ANd JuSt eNjOy THe tIme WIth Me aRouNd.,.Heheheee
a goOd cOnVerSAtIoNAList
iNteLLegEnt BuT WHacKy.,.,.,
sOMebody Who WouLD CARe FOr Me.,.exTend HIs ArMs AroUnd Me.,.apPreCiAte simPle ThiNgs.,,
aNd SomEOne whO wOuLD nOt AsK fOr MorE,,.HappY aNd cOnTenTEd wIth whaT GOD hAs GiVen tO hIm/hEr.,.,
and SpeciALLy..,,.YOU.,., iS wHO i waNt tO MeEt.,.
CHeCk Me OuT~!~aNd wE'LL MAke ThiS WorLD a bEttEr PlaCe.,.GiMamma.,.
(Ay SuS!!!)..