About Me
One moonlit eve, whilst strolling through the graveyard, Matty Horror looked around and came to the realization that dead companions were not enough. He set out, determined to right this predicament by force, when he was struck by a bolt of lightening. When he awoke there were two figures standing there, who he came to know as Two-Fang Tony and Dr. Swankenstein. They immediately formed a group the likes of which have never been seen. And upon further discussion, plotting and completely skipped-over exposition, they decided the only way to spread their brilliant horrifying tales across the world was through music. So they formed 'Dead in the Crawlspace' and the world was never the same again... Largely due to the fact that Matty Horror was not aware just how much his dead companions would miss him, and the lengths to which they would go to bring him back, along with all the living around him... -------------------------
Real Bio: Originally just a feeble spark of an idea in my head, this band began to form in the summer of 2003 as the brainchild of myself and Tony (who could actually write music). We wanted a horror rock group, with a lot of rock 'n roll and surf influence mixed in with the punk thing, but we had trouble finding other members to work with, so with a couple attempts at songs, and some lyrics penned, we faded away... Two years later, in the summer of 2005, me and Tony were hanging out again, and wanted to give it another shot more seriously. We then asked Jude if he was interested, and he was, which was very fortunate, as not only would he play bass and contribute to songwriting, but he also had the equipment and know-how to record us. So with me on vocals (and 95% of the lyrics), Tony on guitar & drums (of the keyboard variety) and a good deal of the songwriting, and Jude on the bass, further song writing & on production, we recorded "Decompose Yourself", our 13 track debut CD in the latter half of the summer 2005. The name 'Dead in the Crawlspace' the "record labels" (Flying U-Nick, Poke-A-Mole, & Weasel Records), and many other details are just too much too explain right now... In any case, we have been working on and off on newer music since, though with complications due to silly things like college, or work, or babies... But what we have got together seems to be pretty good, so, one day, new stuff will arrive. Maybe, somehow, someday, if we have a real drummer and time, we'll actually get to play some shows. Until that day, try not to get eaten by the hordes of undead. ---Matty Horror