Kim Preston profile picture

Kim Preston

About Me

I was born in New Rochelle Ny and grew up ping ponging between NY and NJ. I'm a Capricorn and I have an addiction to Extra sharp cheddar cheese. The kind of cheese that is so tangy the jabini muscles in your jaw twitch.
I first got the music itch when I heard "The Duke of Earl" that was it...I was hooked. My first band was with my best friend at the time a bass player named Russell BenAli and Peter Cantle on guitar and Joe Goddu on drums. Joe left the group and we replaced him with Jimmy Specht. He had a gold Slingerland drum set. We dug practice at Jimmy's house because his mom was a great cook and they fed us. We had alot of fun but we weren't very good. we thought we were going to change the world. I think the band lasted for 5-6 months
After we broke up high school was over and the other guys went of to college. It is at this point that I begin making some of the most bonehead choices a person can make. I wanted to go to music school but I didn't get into Berklee College of Music in Boston so my buddy Bruce and I applied to and were accepted at the JDS School of Music. Which we soon found out stood for "Jack's Drum Shop on Boylston street. The classes were held upstairs from the drum shop...Nuff said.
After several years of making some really dumb decisions I began to steady up. I played with some great musicians in some pretty cool bands. and I met some amazing people that I admired and blah blah blah, that's it. The bottom line is that it's 2008 and I have a new CD that I just released named "Redemption" I hope you check it out. You might not like every song but, I believe you will feel it.
I am all in. I am down with me...

My Interests


Member Since: 02/09/2005
Band Website: Nope
Band Members: I am a solo artist.
Influences: Tupac, Jimi Hendrix, Sly and the Family Stone, Steel Pulse,The Last Poets, Lee Michaels, Eric Clapton, Lou Reed, Roxy Music, Tony Williams Lifetime, Ohio Players, The Parliments I don't listen to any music when I'm writing. I want my music to be as original as possible. That is hard because during my life I've heard many things and they sometimes find their way into a song.
Sounds Like: There are elements of Hip Hop, R & B, Rock and Reggae
Record Label: Indie
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

KIM's 2009 50 Sexiest Women

When you put together a list there sometimes is debate.   In my opinion all women are sexy.  The degree of that sexiness depends on whose eyes are viewing them.  This is a list of the 50 Sexiest Women...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Apr 2009 03:59:00 GMT

Under The Hamptons Moon 2

After I wrote about my experience in the Hamptons I tried to figure how I could find the child I feel is out there.  I had nobody I could ask.  I went back to New York and asked some of the people I u...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Dec 2008 01:31:00 GMT

Under the Hamptons moon

Did you ever feel something inside so strong that you knew it was true.   You have nothing to back it up other then your feelings. Well, that's what this is about. In the late 70's thro...
Posted by on Wed, 14 May 2008 02:06:00 GMT

No clue,Dreams,Love Everything

Did you ever get the feeling that you had to go.  You know where you want to go but really didn't know how to get there.  That is where i find myself today. All signs point to leav...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 07:31:00 GMT

Progress or ?

I have lost two family members to brain cancer and my friend's husband died from Liver cancer recently.  I feel that medical science is making constant strides to find a cure for Cancer and all d...
Posted by on Fri, 22 Jun 2007 22:47:00 GMT