DrAwiINg AniMe, WrITinG fAnFicS, wAtcHinG aN iDiOt bOx, sUrFinG tHe nEt, plAyinG plAysTatiOn 2, RaGnArOk, DeBaTeS
Anyone will do. As long as they're human, haha, as long as they have something positive. Kind, caring, understanding, witty and nice is what I call a perfect person, of course, there's no such thing as a perfect person. As long as you have one, atleast one of the characteristics above. ++ I just hate backstabbers, liars and people who use you for granted.I think that's all
pEnNy N' mE, I'Ll cAn'T gEt OvEr U gEtTiNg OvEr Me, hOw DiD u KnOw? (uSuAlLy LoVe AnD cLasSiC sOnGs)
13 GoiNg On 30, QuEeN oF tHe DaMnEd, RuNaWay BriDe, PrEtTy WoMaN, AnNa aNd ThE kiNg. (I lUv mOviEs!! EspEciALly, RoMaNtiC-cOmEdY oR aDvEnTuRe, NoT HoRrOr!!)
HarRy PoTtEr BoOkS, LiTtlE WoMeN, TuEsDaYs WiTh mOrRiE, FiVe PeOpLe YoU MeEt iN HeAvEn, Etc (UsuAlLy ClaSsiC StOriEs
My one and only... MOM!!