Racing, and the lately alot of time with my acoustic...
Honestly, at the moment Sounds shitty but I have too much going on to give a rats ass bout meeting new ppl. I have the few friends I need, and too many things on the mind.
Its a funny thing how when your sad or mad or happy, whatever emotion your going through, there is a song out there that matches that feeling.
Trying to find a copy of Le Mans, with Steve McQueen.
NO time....
Eh. Sucks but not much time to read.
Alessandro Zanardi, and trying to find my inspiration.
Take the quiz: "Which Formula 1 driver are you?"
Juan Pablo Montoya
You are just starting to come into your peak. You were over hyped in your first season but you have what it takes to win. People better beware that when you are behing them on the track you are going to take no prisoners. You don't always keep to the strict training regime but you somehow manage to keep fit, but people love you for you cuddilyness and ice white smile.