Greg Holmes profile picture

Greg Holmes

About Me

People have told me I've restored their faith in live music. But I'm not playing music just to get a "wow" effect or to be a hero. I perform because I love it. It makes my heart beat stronger. All the things I've learned in life come together in a unique symbiosis. There's a lot more to learn, and I look forward to it.
I've performed at clubs, restaurants, festivals, wineries, galleries, private functions, and even at auctions.
Some of the songs I perform are nearly a century old, yet my main instrument, the NS/Stick (an 8-string guitar with the combined range of guitar and bass), was designed only a decade ago. It's a wonderful combination, as I'm sure you'll agree when you hear it.
Note: My audio files were recorded live at various gigs with no overdubs, no loops, and no backing tracks. This is the real thing!
Musician, Audience, and Media comments
"Mind boggling!" [Shrimp Daddy]
"It's always a pleasure to see you perform." [Michael Fonfara]
"You can come and play anytime. Anytime." [Chuck Jackson]
"$%@*!! People gotta *@$% hear your @*$@% music!!" [Dan Thomas]
"Just keep on doing what you're doing!" [Brian Dinsdale]
"You're the real thing, man, the real thing." [Wendell Blue]
"Go do your stuff, and we'll just stay out of the way!" [Mojo Willie]
"You're like a whole band." [Gary Kendall]
"Man, you do NOT wank!" [Pat Carey]
"Greg, you talk the talk and walk the walk."
"You've got balls of steel to play those tunes - I salute you!"
"I was enveloped by the sound of your instrument and voice."
"You're doing something nobody else is doing - and you make it your own."
"That's quite an instrument you have there" (referring to my voice...)
"Greg Holmes plays a mean stick." [from local newspaper The Voice]
"You put so much into it, you make every song your 'big number'."
"It was the best live music we've heard in 20 years."
"Your playing has restored our faith in music."
"You're awesome!"

My Interests


Member Since: 11/9/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: I perform with Acoustic Image amps and AccuGroove cabs. I'm the North American representative for BassLab Instruments, and dealer for Eminence basses, Upton basses, Muse Receptor, and more. Check them all out at my business site [ ].

Sounds Like:

Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

2009-04-21 Healing Voice

I just got my voice back.Singing is a healing force, and I've been working on curingĀ a cold for the past week. The Saturday gig was a bit rough - it felt like chasing a glass ball around with the poin...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Apr 2009 23:18:00 GMT